The Bold Voice of J&K

Organise your closet with these simple tips

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Women tend to use every nook and corner of their closets and cupboards till the seams are literally about to burst. It isn’t surprising then that finding what you’re looking for becomes a mammoth if not impossible task.
Which is why being organised will do wonders. Make it a habit to remove a couple of hours (maybe even a whole day) every three to four months to see what is in your closet. Discard things you don’t need, don’t wear or those that don’t fit you anymore. And if you’re confused about what to throw away and what to keep, take help from a friend who can guide you.
– Start by making categories. Make piles of clothes can need to be stored away (winter wear, holiday wear etc), discarded, given away to someone and ones you want to keep. Once you’ve decided what to keep, start by sorting clothes into formal wear, casual wear, work wear, workout gear, nightclothes, etc. Keep categories in separate places in your cupboard/ closet so that you know where to reach out when you require anything.
– Make a map of your cupboard if you don’t trust your memory. This way you know exactly what is where and have no trouble finding it. Label your hangers with numbers if that helps your keep track if your clothes. Try and organise clothes by style or colour — keep your kurtis on one side, keep shirts and tunics separately. Keep your jeans and trousers in another corner.

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