The Bold Voice of J&K

An open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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    Kundan Kashmiri, President KPC

It was ‘because of this reason that the Valley had a rich culture in Indian history. But the intolerant raiders, mercenaries and other outside rulers in the Valley demolished defiled and desecrated thousand years old temples, heritage centers and places of worship time to time, although our fore-fathers have preserved many of these shrines and temples at the cost of their lives and other sacrifices. Even after accession of Kashmir with India lot of Hindu temples, shrines and Sikh Gurudwara’s were destroyed and demolished, particularly, at the hands of Pak invaders in 1947. Also during anti-Hindu riots in district Anantnag which spread in other parts of the Kashmir in 1986 resulted in a huge destruction of 52 temples and shrines, located in the Valley. Again when fundamentalistic atmosphere and militancy gripped Valley in 1989-90 and Kashmiri Pandits were gradually hounded out from their homes and hearths, communal zelots resorted to the old game of desecration and destruction of these temples and shrines which include damage and destruction of 68 temples located in towns and villages of Kashmir Valley. During demotion of Babri structure on 6th Dec. , 1992, which led to wide spread anti-Hindu riots in Kashmir also resulted in destruction of 39 temples in the Valley. Minister of State for Home Govt. of India also confirmed damage of 38 temples in the Parliament on 12th March, 1993. In all more than two hundred (200) temples and shrines were destroyed and demolished, besides temple land, enclosures and temple yards and cremation grounds were nibbled away by miscreants and fundamentalists. At some places efforts were also made to dispose off the shrine and temple land. There is also not proper record of the said religious property of Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley.
To check this all and to protect, promote and develop these places of faith in valley, Kashmiri Pandit community has been demanding anenactment of law on the lines of Waqf Board or Sikh-Gurudwara Prabhandhak Board, but the J and K State Govt. did not respond to our genuine demand so far, despite of submitting various memorandums and hold peaceful demonstrations and dharna’s to press for the said genuine demand.
We appeal your good-self for kind intervention to get enactment of law for protection, promotion and development of religious places, shrines and temples of Hindus in Kashmir Valley at Par with other religions in the valley like Muslims and Sikhs whose religious property is being presently maintained under law. Therefore similar nature of law may kindly be brought in force for religious properties of Kashmiri Hindus in the valley either by passing a bill in J and K State Assembly or through an ordinance by the Hon’ble Governor of J and K State at the earliest possible. Also thorough probe may kindly be made for encroachment and illegal sale of above said religious properties of KP’s in the valley,
(3) Hon’ble Modi Ji, Kashmiri Hindus have also been demanding for the long time to permit them to visit Shardha Temple presently located In Muzafarabad PoK, just on the pattern of Sikh pilgrims who are permitted to visit Nankana Sahab in Pakistan from decades and pilgrims of Pakistan are being permitted to visit Ajmer Shrief and other Muslim Shrines in India, Besides, KPs have been demanding “centre of Shavism” to be opened in state of J and K and research work to be undertaken to propagate and revive as its origin Kashmir, We also pray for establishment of Shardha Peeth University in the state of J and K,
Hon’ble sir, grant of permission to Hindus to visit Sharda Temple located in Muzfarabad (PoK) is religious in nature and also connected with the religious sentiments of all Hindus of the world, in particular to KP Community, So, we pray your good–self to have your kind look over this long pending demand of Kashmiri Pandit community.
(4) Hon’ble Modi JI, our internally displaced youths in their formative age had to face unexpected miseries much against their wishes due to mass-exodus and forced displacement from their homes and hearths in the valley. But they (KP youths) never forgot that the wisdom lies bearing all atrocities and facing all humiliations in-spite of all provocative and pugnacious attitude of tormentors who choose violent means to create a situation of ignominy calibrated from outside in the valley. Usually such turmoil was an enough ground to fall in evil trap by them, but they (KP youth) continued the pursuit of education under turbulent conditions of scorching heat, faced all odds in camps, tented and rented accommodations in different parts of the country. They also maintained balanced thinking and kept at distance the path of confrontation for the sake of their career. They calmed down the tempest by their sagacity and adjusted themselves with prevailing compulsions and never allowed negative thoughts to supersede their balanced mind. But most unfortunately, KP youths remained ignored for about twenty seven years in exile and displacement to get the jobs and other facilities in the state as well as in centre departments, which finally resulted that they have gone over-aged and their dreams got shattered. They are worst effected sufferers and victim of turmoil in Kashmir.
We appeal your good-self that displaced over-aged KP youths may kindly be granted ten years age-relaxation for the sake of employment in the state and centre departments and one time financial help of Rupees 25 lakhs to each over-aged youths who will not be provided with Govt jobs. Besides, three thousand posts under PM package for displaces KP youths may kindly be got filed from central government departments, undertakings, railways and other central institutions and to be posted at different places in the state and country. Also Prime-Ministers Package for displaced Kashmiri Pandits to be de-linked from return to their previous locations in the Valley and its benefits to be given at the present locations to all of them.Besides they should be provided benefits of all central and State schemes at par with other community youths of the State.
Besides, skill development centers as well as training and teaching centers, for appearing IAS and IPS examinations , to be established in camp and non–camp locations of displaced KPs at Jammu and Delhi for victim KP community youths.
(5) Hon’ble sir, soon after KPs have been hounded out from the valley in 1989-90 and onwards, distress sale of KP’s land and property became a general trend which was done systematically and under deep rooted conspiracy by the fundamentalist forces of the Valley to deprive displaced KPs from their land and properties.
We pray your good-self that distress sale of the KP’s land to be declared null and void, unauthorised occupation and encroachment of land and tampering in revenue records may please be got removed. Besides, proper compensation of damaged orchards, traders, illegal sale of land and other properties is to be given to displaced KPs at the earliest.
(To be continued)

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