The Bold Voice of J&K

No welfare scheme for women abandoned: Kichloo

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SRINAGAR: Minister of State for Housing and Home Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo said that there is no separate scheme for the urban women   implemented by the department which has been abandoned. He said the benefit is provided to the urban women under different components of SISRY Scheme.
Replying to a question by Bimla Luthra in the Legislative Assembly, the minister said that all welfare schemes meant for women empowerment are being implemented in letter and spirit, adding that in this regard government is committed to provide all possible assistance to the women for their empowerment. He said the scheme implemented through Housing Department for the purpose is being implemented without any disparity for empowerment of women.
Indu Pawar raised supplementary to the main question and demanded that schemes meant for women empowerment should be implemented in time for uplift of women through different departments.

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