The Bold Voice of J&K

NNO extends support to BJP

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JAMMU: Chairman, Nirbho Nirvar Organisation, Daljeet Singh said that political parties that have ruled the J and K State have always exploited Sikhs for vote.
Time has come for the Sikhs to dump the past practices and support Narendra Modi for his genuine endeavour to ensure progress and development of all, he said.
Daljeet addressing the meeting said Sikh community has be denied representation in the State Legislature, minority status to them, non-recognition of Punjabi as language, not adhering to the provisions and the mandate of J&K Sikh Gurdwara Prabandak Committee Act by not conducting the Sikh Gurdawara elections for last 10 years etc.
Daljeet said that the Sikh community has been always been denied the legitimate demands notwithstanding the fact that the Sikhs had always been on the forefront for the defence of the motherland.
In schools, Arabic, Persian etc are being taught while Punjabi finds no recognition by the government and is not offered even as an optional subject, he said.
Chairman of the committee, and President Harjeet Singh said that it is high time that the Sikh community also becomes the part of universal development and progress effort of the Narendra Modi led BJP government and support BJP candidates in the State elections.
At the meeting it was unanimously decided to appeal the Sikh Community to support BJP candidates in the State elections.
The prominent members present in the meeting were Kuldeep Singh Kuku, Surjeet Singh and Joginder Singh.

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