The Bold Voice of J&K

Modi’s quip!

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Dear Editor,
When PM’s tone took a tone of humour and mockery on the earthquake, many MPs present felt that PM has hurt the dignity of Uttarakhand but Modi’s quip was a riposte to Rahul Gandhi who had earlier said that if he speaks in Parliament an earthquake would follow. Sixty years of the Nehru Gandhi dynasty has been a curse for Mother India, they have spread nepotism, apathy and corruption across India. Modi has rightly said that the Congress always tried to promote the contribution of one family – a reference to the Gandhis – and neglected contributions of Veer Savarkar, even Bhagat Singh. It is not so as there are lot of people who gave their lives during independence struggle.
Vinod C. Dixit
B-15 Jyotikalash Society, B/H Sundervan, Satellite, Ahmedabad – 380 015

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