The Bold Voice of J&K

‘Make in India’ a reality

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Taking his ‘Make in India’ mantra a step forward to realise the dream of turning India into one of main manufacturing hub Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  promise to make India ‘easiest’ place  to do business  with stable administration and a tax regime is an  endevour  to complete the circle  of economic reform as envisaged by the NDA Government. Make in India is a concept floated by Modi to enhance the production base in the country the move has been praised by the MNCs with wide-spread interest in the country as ‘incredible possibilities’. India has the advantage of offering a wide consumer base and cheap economies of production. With fledgling economies in Europe and West they see this route as the best to connect with east and India and enlarging the trading spheres beyond their shores. The showcasing of Vibrant Gujarat on the hundredth year of Mahatma Gandhi’s return to India from Africa was the right choice to woo global players. Most of the MNCs are in Gujarat and are doing business with the government and they know the advantage of doing business under the umbrella of ‘Make in India’. Modi also announced to make tax regime a stable one, which is what the business houses are looking forward to. All these showcasing is going to benefit Gujarat as no other state has better infrastructure except Karnataka to support the system. But with all these bonhomie on economy critics have their own point of cynicism as not much has been changed on the manufacturing sector up till now. The hardliners should also focus on development agenda as followed by the saffron outfit so that an amicable environment is placed at work which can instill the confidence to keep the fund flow continuing and job sector remaining vibrant. A closer analysis of the urban youth suggests that greater political participation, engagement at a policy level and urgent attention to improving their quality of life can ensure that India enjoys the benefits of this dividend. Any reversal of the policy will have major setback and under such circumstances it is to be seen that will Modi be able to make India easiest place to do business as promised?

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