The Bold Voice of J&K

How low can out-of-power Congress stoop?

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Dost Khan

Out of power Congress had earlier lost its plot due to successive electoral debacles. Now it has lost the nerve as well. Brazenly out to destabilise the nation, it is time to have Congress Mukht Bharat.
What its leaders did in Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh, which led to death of five labourers in the wake of farmers’ stir, is reprehensible. The viral videos showing Congress leaders inciting farmers to violence reveals the dirty game-plan to achieve political objectives. The small-time leaders including an MLA could not have dared to provoke the farmers without tacit approval of the Congress High Command. However, they made a ‘mess’ of the sinister conspiracy without comprehending that their diktats could be caught on camera in the mobile-phone era. That is what actually happened. An MLA and a leader can be seen telling mobs to set police station and vehicles on fire.
In the tragic handling of mob-violence, five precious lives are lost. And, ironically the dead are not farmers but labourers. Who had employed or deployed labourers to join the violent agitation remains shrouded in mystery? Given the motive, needle of suspicion can go to Congress alone. Had it not been a pre-planned ploy, the Congress Working President would not have defied the administrative directions and plunged into protests on a motorbike, trampling all traffic rules. He went on a huge photo-op in mistaken belief of showing himself as Messiah of the farmers but ended up as a huge embarrassment for himself and for his party.
This is not for the first time when Rahul Gandhi created a scene. Earlier also, he demonstrated his political immaturity by becoming part of ‘anti-India’ mob in JNU Delhi which reverberated with slogans of “Bharat Ki Barbadi” and “Afzal (Guru) Ham Sharminda Hai, Tere Katil Zinda Hai’. He again indulged in political tourism when an ex-serviceman of Haryana committed suicide. He went on political rampage several times to shed crocodile tears on the deaths of minority community or Dalit members.
The Congress stands exposed for its lust of power. It didn’t hesitate in seeking proof of Indian surgical strikes in Pakistan occupied Kashmir on 29th September 2016. One of its leaders, Sanjay Nirupam, at the behest of Congress High Command, described these strikes as ‘fake’. Another senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh has been addressing world’s dreaded slain terrorist Osama bin Laden as Osamaji. Senior Congress leaders went all out in solidarity with terrorists involved in infamous Batala House episode, describing the encounter as fake.
The treachery of the Congress can be gauged from the fact that its former minister and a leader close to 10 Janpath, Mani Shankar Aiyar has been openly hobnobbing with anti-India and Pakistan-funded separatists of Kashmir and pitching for amendment to the Constitution of India to facilitate talks with them. The timing of his bonhomie with separatists raises several questions, one of these being whether his   meeting last month was aimed at pre-empting the investigations by National Investigation Agency. Was his group working at the behest of the separatists to meet them so as to put pressure on NIA not to carry out raids against them for indulging in money laundering to promote terror on Indian soil? Aiyar had hogged headlines during his Pakistan visit when he was heard on a Pakistani television channel seeking support for ousting Narendra Modi government. These are the lowest depths that Congress touched after getting distanced from the Delhi throne.
The height of the Congress deceit came when its leaders issued a press statement saying that the hanging of Afzal Guru was a mistake and his mortal remains should be handed over to his family. After this statement the independent legislator Engineer Rashid voted in favour of Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad. The Congress legislators made the statement on Afzal Guru on the insistence of Azad whose political career was at stake and independent legislator wanted statement before voting of four Rajya Sabha seats began. Azad had won the elections for Rajya Sabha from the State.
The Congress had been playing worst kind of politics to remain glued to power. The party, due to its vote bank politics and minority appeasement, brought Jammu and Kashmir to such a morass from where its exit has really become difficult. Now that the party is out of power it is engaged in creating road-blocks in the country’s odyssey to peace and progress. The unfortunate incidents of Madhya Pradesh are latest in its long list of deceit and political treachery.

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