The Bold Voice of J&K

Leave Army alone

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Dear Editor,
Please don’t soil the crease of a fine force. Defence forces have extremely steep pyramid structure and supersession is a way of life. Everyone can’t become the Chief. Moreover, at that level, the decisions are more political than professional. It is well within the constitutional power of a government to decide who should be the next Chief. Our politics has destroyed every institution, barring two – the Supreme Court and the defence forces, because they are apolitical in nature. It is an extremely sad state of affairs that the forces are being dragged into a controversy. By raking up the issue in the public domain, the opinion in the forces gets divided. The Army is based on regiments and soldiers are emotional. The mudslinging hurts those whose General officer has been superseded and even the promoted General takes over with a controversy following him. Wish our politicians understand the niceties of the forces, where those who are superseded just fade away; there is no public crying about it.
Maj Gurdeep S Samra (Retd),

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