The Bold Voice of J&K

Kashmir-deceptive calm-a delusory pleasure

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The storm erupted after the ‘Burhan’ killing in Valley ultimately, will be limping to normalness and it will give pleasure to the players engaged in overcoming it, including State Police, army, para military forces, political drum beaters and efforts of Central as well as State Government. But one must keep in mind that it will be delusory in nature and not much rejoice should be exhibited as subsiding of protests can be taken as cooling time, as per past practice, for the stone pelters, separatists and their masters across the country, who are always in row to implement their palters for creating chaos in the Valley.
The Burhan’s entry into terrorism (As is in public domain in Valley) was triggered by his ill-treatment at the hands of a couple of errant policemen in Tral, the village notorious for its alienation and use of violence for the last 26 years. He was the most-wanted terrorist in Kashmir Valley, credited with having created a wave of, what is called new militancy in south Kashmir. His Robin Hood image inspired a new phenomenon; the attempted protection of terrorists by local mobs at encounter sites and large-scale eulogising of even neutralized Pakistani terrorists at their funerals. He succeeded in creating a group of locally recruited group of terrorists, who were well educated and technically proficient in exploiting social media, for their cause. Their photographs in combat uniform with weapons went viral on FB and what sap attracting young diluted minds to their illustrious game plan.
The decision for public funeral of Burhan, appeared to be ill conceived as in the past; authorities have mostly given the freedom to conduct public funerals of terrorists and faced the consequences for it. The authorities and intelligence agencies totally failed to conceive the impact of killing of Burhan which stretched over to whole Kashmir Valley, in Pakistan and within the campus of Jehadi outfits. The authorities failed miserably as to access the expected gathering at his funeral. The large gathering at his funeral led to firing by the forces and use of excessive force on funeral day was condemned by even CM of the State. The death of some participants in the funeral during the process of controlling the crowd by resorting to firing at the hands of security forces, generated heat wave against forces and the pot kept boiling day by day. The subsequent protests were directed against killing of so called innocent people (stone pelters) by forces and not against the Burhan Killing. The notorious hawks in the Valley, such as; Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Umar Farooq and Mohd. Yasin Malik, separatists and anti-national people, took no time to pounce upon the situation and hijacked it by taking over role of instigation, mobilisation, and dictatorial as the Valleyities were almost proving to be haywire for them. The situation is said to be monitored by its handlers from across the nation by establishing their camps in Muzaffrabad in PoK. The separatists and anti-national element, through their paid organised gang of stone pelters, kept the pot boiling in Valley with fuel of the dead bodies of innocent, forcing the authorities to clamp curfew in complete Kashmir Valley among increasing toll of dead and fatal injuries on both sides of the troubled table.
The government initiatives required at the appropriate time were found missing and the admittance of CM herself, that there was no planning to counter protests, after the killing of Burhan, is eye opener for all concerned. A volley of controversial statements just added fuel to the troubled water. A clear line of divergent approach by the government alliance partners were seen, when the BJP ministers banished from the scene and went into hibernation at Jammu, forcing the senior leadership at Jammu, to direct them to rush back to Valley, but their command also failed to sent them back to Srinagar and their presence in Valley remained just as that of snap targets at the firing range, that too only to register their presence at the time of visit of HM of India as ‘yours faithfully’.
Madame Mehbooba broke her silence on the killing of Burhan on 28th July by saying “If police, army knew that Burhan was there (encounter site), and then one more chance might have been given to him”. This statement was controversial in nature and as such condemned by all other relevant players and alliance partner in government, BJP distanced himself from the statement of the CM and termed it as unfortunate. The statement of CM was also contradictory to the police claim that as Home Minister of the State, CM has the knowledge of Kokernag operation that killed Hizbul Mujahideen’s commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani, along with his two associates. If we have to believe the statement of ex-CM J and K Omar Abdullah, that Mehbooba Mufti incumbent CM released lakhs of rupees, as reward money from the CM’s secret fund, for those who took part in the encounter, then one wonders about the u-turn of the CM of the Burhan event. But at the same time, it can well be attributed, that it is a political u-turn and a wicked policy of the CM, to project herself as ignorant about the Burhan operation in a bid to project herself as well wishers of such element by saying that “one more chance might have been given to him”. This was also a wicked move as ‘to give another chance’ to realise this event as of soft corner towards militants as chain of continuous appeasement policy moving ahead with release of approximately 600 stone pelters facing trial on the auspicious day of Id. These released stone pelters are the reckoning force behind the nefarious designs of the separatists.
(To be continued)

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