The Bold Voice of J&K

JPDCL snaps power connections of 88 defaulters under Electric Div Parade

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JAMMU: Electric Division- (JPDCL) Parade on Thursday snapped eighty eight connections of defaulters in continuation of its drive launched for revenue realization for the current financial year.
A team led by AEE , Ratneesh Puri conducted checking in Karan Nagar Market, Ranbir Market, Shallamar Road, City Chowk, Kanak Mandi areas and snapped Eighty Eight power connections of defaulting consumers.
Meanwhile, AEE Sub-Div-IV Javed Ahmed also disconnected power supply to 14 consumers in Dansal areas (10 Domestic + 4 Commercial) for not paying the power bills. The JPDCL has asked the People to pay their electricity dues in time to avoid disconnections.

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