The Bold Voice of J&K

JKNPP demands full settlement of refugees, Talwara migrants

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JAMMU: Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) Chief Bhim Singh called on the party workers to stand by the commitment of the Party in the secularism, equality and democracy, come what may even if party has to walk alone. He ruled out any truck or adjustment with communal and corrupt forces whether they are in power or outside.
Briefing a media persons after working committee meet, Bhim declared party election on 23rd March 2015 on its Foundation Day in Jammu. He demanded full compensation and rehabilitation of all the refugees of 1947 (Pakistan) from POK, 1965, 1971 with comprehensive settlement according to international law.
The working committee, Bhim said, in a resolution resolved that the movement for the reorganization of J&K shall be promoted, strengthened and implemented so that all kinds of regional discrimination may come to an end forever.
It said even after securing 25 out of 37 in Jammu Pradesh could not find an inch of space in governance to seek resolution of the grievances of the people of Jammu.
Bhim also accused State Government for horrifying treatment to the border migrants who were forced out of their homes due to indiscriminate shelling from PaK side along 92 km long International Border.
He demanded implementation of Supreme Court order dated 6th February 2001 so that full rehabilitation and relief may be provided to the migrants.
He also demanded full compensation and arrears of Talwara and Jammu Migrants.
“The working committee in its declaration stated that the party shall not join hands with any communal, corrupt, sectarian or authoritarian group or party at all and walk alone for the cause it has undertaken for the welfare of the people of Jammu Pradesh and Kashmir Ghati,” Bhim mentioned.
He added that reorganization is the only solution to end regional conflict so that the residents of all regions, Ladakh, Kashmir Valley and Jammu Pradesh shall live in honour, dignity and get justice social, political and economic at all stages.
He appealed to all secular, democratic and pro-people groups, individuals or political parties to join and support JKNPP to build a movement to full fill the dreams of our suffering people to live with honour and dignity by reorganization of the state.
Harsh Dev Singh MLA, Balwant Singh Mankotia MLA President JKNPP, Yashpal Kundal MLA President Young Panthers, Anita Thakur General Secretary, P.K Ganju, Choudhary Mohammad Iqbal and Masood Andrabi Vice-Presidents, H.C Jalmeria Advocate General Secretary, Bansi Lal Sharma Advocate Political Advisor JKNPP and Farooq Ahmad Dar Provincial President (Kashmir Province) were also present.

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