The Bold Voice of J&K

Jammu Club commemorates 71st Anniversary of Hiroshima Day

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JAMMU: To commemorate 71st Anniversary of Hiroshima Day, an awareness campaign was organised by the management and members of Jammu Club.
The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) which is an affiliate of International Physicians for prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) an awardee of Noble Peace Prize (1985) were invited to speak in the event. Members of civil society and organisations Jammu Women Council, Rotary Mid Town Jammu, Doctors of GMC, ASCOMS, Health Department and alumni of the society participated in this meet.
On the occasion, Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, Sangeeta Gupta was the Chief Guest and Dr. Mumtaz Goni was the Special Guest. Dr. Nira Singh was coordinator for the event.
On this day of August 1945, a nuclear bomb was dropped on civilian population at Hiroshima for the first time in human history, three days later another bomb was detonated at Nagasaki, Japan. Thousands were killed or maimed for life. The survivors are still suffering from after effects of blast and radiation injuries with cancers and scars on their body and life.
Present day nuclear arsenal available with many countries is more lethal and has the capacity to destroy the world many times over. The horrors of nuclear holocaust and impact of small arms violence on peace and health of society with special reference to Kashmir were deliberated in the seminar.
President IDPD, Dr. S.S Soodan, Student Coordinator Dr. Mehvish Khan and Dr. Rohit Bakshi spoke on the occasion.
Raman Samnotra, Secretary Jammu Club emphasised the need to educate the society about peaceful co-existence and join hands to fight the bigger enemy of this subcontinent i.e the war against poverty, prejudice, corruption and economic disparity so that India can become a strong nation in the world community.

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