The Bold Voice of J&K

JAC seeks compliance of SC order on reservation in promotions

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JAMMU: Joint Action Committee (JAC) (General Category) on Thursday sought strict compliance of Supreme Court (SC) order in the case of reservation in promotions.
In his regard, a meeting of the Committee was held here at Brahman Sabha. Ved Prakash Sharma Convener JAC and President Brahman Sabha presided over the meeting which was also attended by Narayan Singh , President Rajput Sabha, Vinod Gupta, President Central Mahajan Sabha and other leaders including employees of various Government Departments.
The meeting expressed strong resentment and called for strict compliance of Supreme Court order in the case of reservation in promotions. It exhorted upon the Commissioner Secretary PDD and concerned officers to honour the verdict of Supreme Court and the existing circular of GAD in this matter.
The meeting stated that after 11 years of relentless struggle in J&K High Court and thereafter in the Supreme Court, the general category incumbents got the justice. “Deserving candidates belonging to general category were made to stagnate at their current posts by unconstitutional reservation in promotion rules”, it added.
Joint Action Committee unanimously resolved to appeal the top brass of Government to make efforts for speedy disposal of the case in the Supreme Court so that deserving general category candidates are benefitted after having been suffered for years.
Meeting however asserted that JAC will take the fight to streets and file contempt proceedings against the erring officers/ministers if the directions of Supreme Court are flouted and undue benefit is bestowed by any means to the reserved category candidates. “The JAC will fight for the cause of general category people till the reservation on caste basis is totally abolished and reservation if any needs to be extended shall only be based on economic basis which will lead to upliftment of the poor and expose the nefarious designs of rich among the reserved categories who are ruling the roost at the cost of poor people”, the meeting asserted.

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