The Bold Voice of J&K

Isolated by Islamic nations, desperate Pak pushing terrorists into J&K: Nirmal

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JAMMU: Terming Pakistan as perpetrator of terrorism, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh on Monday said that desperate neighbour pushing terrorists into the State after being isolated by the Islamic nations.
“Pakistan is a perpetrator of terrorism and feeling isolated across the globe,” Dr Singh told reporters here this evening at the sidelines of a sports function at University of Jammu.
He said that out of desperation, Pakistan is pushing terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.
“Pakistan has been isolated in the Middle East and by all Islamic nations,” he said adding, “Bangladesh, Afghanistan and even Iran like nations are against Pakistan.”
Adding that normalcy is prevailing in the State, the Deputy Chief Minister said that around 375 terrorists have been killed in the past three years in the State.
“Indian Army and our security forces are doing a great job and apart from maintaining law and order in the hinterland, they are also foiling nefarious designs of Pakistan on borders,” Dr Singh added.
“Indian Army is given free hand by the Union Home Minister and the Defence Minister and they are befittingly replying to Pakistan on borders,” he added.
The Deputy Chief Minister said that in the last three years, around 375 terrorists were killed while 38 have been eliminated in the last one-month.
“We are responding to Pakistan in an appropriate manner and showing them their place,” said Dr Singh. On upcoming Amarnath Yatra starting from June 29, Dr Singh said, “I appeal to the Amarnath Yatris to come to Jammu and Kashmir and perform pilgrimage without any fear.”
“The people across the country should not see J&K as shown in the channels. Situation is quite peaceful barring some of the areas along borders and the Valley. Small incidents of stone pelting keep happening anywhere and it does not mean that the entire region is gripped by the violence,” he added.
Arrangements like basic facilities, health are in place on both the tracks, he said and added, “We will provide full security to the pilgrims besides every facility. They (pilgrims) should come and see that Jammu and Kashmir is peaceful and normal.”

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