The Bold Voice of J&K

Indira Gandhi was the true lover of wildlife

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G.L Khajuria

Mrs. Indira Gandhi was too compassionate for the wildlife and she remarked at a meeting of the Indian Board for wildlife in the early seventies that the predominant cause responsible for the dwindling wild- Life was vanity bag. And more importantly it is accruing from the lack of awareness and sensitization. Though the fact goes that wildlife protection Act was later introduced by her in 1972. Dr.Karan Singh, the cabinet Minister in her government was the Chairman of the board. Indiraji pointed out seriously how bags and purses made from Crocodiles skin and coats from leopards’ skin are becoming very fashionable amongst the affluent women world over, thereby decimating both the crocodiles and tigers population.
We know well how correct she was. As per an estimate, leopards’ skin that time was costing around 2,400 dollars (Rs.10,000 approximately) and as a matter of fact a very few skins made a coat and the cost of a finished coat exceeded Rs.50,000. A story dating the rounds in the early seventies was that ever since ‘Mrs. Jacqueline Keneddyhad purchased a coat male out of Leopard’s skin at sky rocketing price. And there had been a spurt for such coats amongst the affluent and fashionable ladies of the west. As a sequel, therefore, this lead to indiscriminate killing and export of Leopards’ skin thereby decimating the majestic leopards which was a rich heritage of Indian continent. Insofar as tiger (our national animal) is concerned, if faced the similar fate. Mrs. Indira Gandhi had put a blanket ban in 1968 on the export of Leopards’ and tigers’ skin including their valuable parts outside the country. These fetched hefty dividends in the international markets. She had categorically made it clear in her warning letters (personal) issued to the Chief Ministers of tiger holding states to ensure all out efforts for the safe guards of Leopards and tigers and may more precious wildlife species. This had undoubtedly successful results. In the next very year following her letters, licenses for haunting 500 tigers and leopards were issued by various states and three thousand skins were exported on the plea that these were older pre-ban stocks. All such activities were secretly done for which Indira Ji was very serious.
There was, however, a snag, Forests and wildlife were exclusively state subject in the constitution. Parliament could consider the bill if the majority of the state’s legislatures consented to it. Indira Gandhipursued the matter with the states and wrote personal letters to the defaulting Chief Ministers.
The wildlife protection act 1972 eventually materialized and applies uniformly to all parts of the country and authorizes legal protection on all forms of wildlife in their varied habitats. The migratory birds (ducks and teals) that fly over long distances to around 4,000kms from distance Siberia. These come to escape the severe winters and seek shelter each year in India with unfailing regularity. These winged visitors come to the warmer wetlands of India far away and ‘so demand as much protection as the tigers inside the forests. Only the stateswoman of the caliber of Indira Gandhi could persuade the state government and her parliament to enact such a far reaching Legislature.
Indira Gandhi also kept track of their implementation too. A year after the Act came into force, she wrote to all Chief Ministers, “I continue to receive the reports of even endangered animals listed in schedule 1 of the Act who are being killed illegally. The tiger and the leopard have received considerable response and publicity. And the black buck merits similar surveillance. It could be desirable to set up black buck sanctuaries wherever the sizeable herds of these rare, endangered and beautiful animals remain”
At the time of independence, 80,000 ofthese animals survived but during the last 25 years its numbers have fallen to mere 20,000. The black buck has already become extinct in Pakistan. The late Prime Minister advise was too timely in preventing us to go in Pakistan way.
Wildlife enthusiast have the genuine grievance that the most of the states have not responded to the wildlife preservation call to the extent that the late Prime Minister, strictly followed Mrs. Indira Gandhi messaged and desired, “The forests are the biggest single reservoir of wildlife which continues to be destroyed and dwindled.” Except for some timely intensively administered conservation areas, one is not certain if the wildlife is getting adequate protection in spite of all preservation umbrella of wildlife protection act, Indira Gandhi often appeals is. “For countless centuries, our country has been homer of magnificent array of wild creatures. Our ancestors had learned to live with nature and its colorful surrounds with mutual respect.
We hold this great heritage in trust for future generations and let us prove worthy of it”. Shall we? As Homage to her, now that she is no more.
(The author is Former Deputy
Conservator, J&K Forests).

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