The Bold Voice of J&K

All India Farmers Fair, Agro-Exhibition

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Agriculture is the backbone of India which contributes around 14 per cent of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Government is making tremendous efforts to support farmers through various central schemes, states schemes, subsidies, technologies etc. but still the benefits are being taken by few end users. There is immense scope for the extension personnel to reach the unreached. The mass mobilizing method utilised for the purpose of learning and recreation is normally termed as Farmers Fair. At present Indian agriculture is under enormous pressure to feed the ever increasing population of the country. Although the food grain production has crossed 250 million tonnes but it is well below the reach to feed the exploding population. It is expected that our country will surpass china in next two decades. With increasing population and climate change if proper measures in terms of production and productivity of crops are not taken then our future generations can face severe food shortage. The average productivity of our major crops is lower than the world average which indicates the gap and scope of improvement. Agriculture provides not only the food and raw material but also provides employment to the huge proportion of population of India. The production and productivity of crops is lower than the yield potential. The agricultural development programmes are successful not only due to the contents of the programme but also on the basis of the extension methods for the dissemination of the programme. While planning a programme emphasis is given on choosing the best methods of extension. The individual and group methods help to build rapport and getting firsthand information from the farmers. It is necessary to choose the right combination of individual, group and mass contact methods to convince the majority of farmers. Farmer fair is an effective method for creating awareness on different technologies for the farmers, scientists, officers from agriculture and allied departments etc. GB pant University of Agriculture and Technology organises two such farmers fair in a year for four days before start of Kharif and Rabi season for the benefits of the farmers. It is a common forum of the farmers, scientists and organizational firms for exchanging the experiences and information about the modern agricultural technology. This event provides a cost effective method of imparting education through demonstrations, getting feedback and providing interaction between farmers and scientists in the most convincing manner. It also gives opportunity for sale of inputs and products and displays latest agricultural and allied sectors technologies. Kisan Ghosties and special lectures by the experts are really the boon for the farmers during the fair.
I got opportunity to attend 100th All India Farmers Fair and Agro-Industrial Exhibition heldat Gobind Ballab Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA and T), Pantnagar in Uttrakhand from 17-20th of October, 2016. This event is popularly called Krishi Kumbh as farmers from almost all parts of India and Nepal participate. This four days long mega farmers fair was enthuastically attended by different States Agricultural Universities, national and regional research stations, Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs), multinational companies, national companies, renowned publishing agencies, Self Help Groups(SHGs), farmers’ clubs etc. The mega event was attended by more than 50,000 thousands of farmers, scientists, scholars etc. from India and abroad and was organised by the Asia’s largest agriculture university GBPUA and T, the birth place of green revolution. GBPUA and T is the first agriculture university in India and was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1960. More than 300 exhibition stalls by the government and non-government organisations were set up there. The scientists, scholars, bureaucrats etc. participation added grace to the occasion. I went there to represent SKUAST-Jammu in that mega event. I reached there on 16thof evening and on 17th morning I set up stall of SKUAST-J. As soon as I pasted the banner of SKUAST-J along with the innovative technologies farmers, scientists, scholars etc. started paying attention on SKUAST-J stall. The live samples of organic farm produce, extension literature, Urea Molasses Mineral Blocks (UMMB), Roughage Blocks, pecan nut, value added products, oilseeds and pulses varieties were the main centres of attraction of SKUAST-J. Farmers from the different states were fascinated by the technologies displayed at SKUAST-J stall. Farmers from across the country were demanding the /awareness trainings on different technologies refined/developed by the SKUAST-J.Thousands of farmers were visiting the stall and asking the quarries regarding different agricultural technologies. Media also paid attention on our stall and asked certain quarries which I answered in an elaborative way. SKUAST-J stall was the main centre of attraction among 300 stalls set up in the event.
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-J), it got special prize for the display of new agricultural technologies in the 100th Farmers Fair and Agro-Industrial Exhibition held at Gobind Ballab Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA and T), Pantnagar in Uttrakhand. SKUAST-J team showed its strong presence in this mega event with the latest agricultural and allied sectors technologies for the benefits of the farmers. Thousands of farmers, scientists, scholars from different parts of the country and abroad visited the SKUAST-J stall and appreciated the technologies developed and promoted by SKUAST- J. They throng the SKUAST-J stall by knowing the latest agricultural technologies. Farmers were fascinated by the live samples of certified organic vegetables and spices which were taken from Reasi District of J and K. I elaborated the successful results of organic farming in Reasi District of Jammu and Kashmir and explained the methodologies involved in organic farming and encouraged the farmers for organic farming by which they can fetch more prices. Framers showed keen interest in organic farming. I displayed high yielding/hybrid varieties of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables etc. at the stall for the farmers. I also displayed the low cost farm machineries, animals feed, vermicompost, value added products of fruits and vegetables etc. I also highlighted the farmers’ varieties specially from hilly areas of J&K and encouraged the farmers from other states for the registration of their own peculiar varieties with special characteristics. The farmers were very happy with all the information they got at the SKUAST-J stall. SKUAST-J also distributed farming literature like leaflets, technical bulletins, success stories etc. to the farmers. Farmers from various states demanded the technologies developed by SKUAST-J. I explained the low cost manufacturing feedof livestock nutrition. I interacted with the farmers and scientists from different parts of the country and narrated the successful results of SKUAST-J. I guided the farmers for the scientific organic farming and suggested them to work in groups. Different dignitaries including Vice Chancellor of GBPUA and T visited SKUAST-J stall. They greatly appreciated the SKUAST-J scientists for their stall. By observing the outstanding display of SKUAST-J stall, finally it was adjudged for thespecial prize. The award contains a certificate of excellence and a momento.
(The writer is: Dr. Banarsi Lal, Scientist and Head of KVK Reasi (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu) (SKUAST-J).

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