The Bold Voice of J&K

Implementation progress of ATMA reviewed

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UDHAMPUR: In order to review progress in the implementation of Central Sponsored Scheme ATMA in agriculture and allied sectors, a meeting of ATMA Management Committee was held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Dr. M P Gupta, Project Director ATMA in the agriculture complex Udhampur. The meeting was attended by 15 officers from agriculture and line departments.
While chairing the meeting, Dr.M P Gupta Project Director ATMA, highlighted the concept of Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) programme; Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP); objectives and innovative methodology besides discussed action plan ATMA 2014-2015.
R.L Bhagat Chief Agriculture Officer, Udhampur gave briefing regarding the allotment of funds to agriculture and allied sectors under ATMA for the current year. R.L Thaploo, SMS clarified regarding utilisation of interest amount incurred for ATMA activities.
Tripathi a progressive farmer and Mr. Kerni representative NGO urged to involve them in ATMA field activities and adoption of village for integrated agriculture development. Invariably all the participating sectoral heads like: Chief Horticulture Officer, Chief Sheep Husbandry Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Deputy Registrar Co-operative, Assistant Director Fisheries made a request to arrange funds under ATMA on time. In this regard, Dr. Gupta assured that he will put all his efforts to get funds released for ATMA activities at an earliest.
Lastly, it was decided that ATMA Management Committee meeting will be held regularly on 15th of every month to review the functioning of ATMA in the district.

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