The Bold Voice of J&K

House gutted in Rs pura

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R S PURA : A house in village Khalas Kullian, R S Pura suddenly caught fire during late in the night while the inmates were able to saved their life but their entire belongings were gutted. Owner of the house Romesh Lal said that he was sleeping in the veranda of his house when he suddenly found flames coming out of his house. He immediately raised an alarm and the villagers who reached, tried to extinguish the fire by sprinkling water and mud. Sarpanch of the village Bahadur Lal also reached the spot and expressed sympathy with the house owner. He told that Romesh Lal is a poor man and the fire which broke out due to electric short circuit has caused great loss to him.
He appealed to the SDM RS Pura to depute a team for assessment of loss and the owner be compensated.

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