The Bold Voice of J&K

History of Mughal Road

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Sunaina Malik

Richard Temple a famous tourist who happened to travel over this track in 1859 writes that at a distance of one mile from Behram Gala there is small but attractive spot where on an ancient rock some verses in an unknown language have been carved by King Jhangir after getting impressed from the beauty of Noori Cham. In the very left side of fall there is place made for a big mirror where Noor Jahan used to dress her self. Noori Cham is also linked with a painful story of Behram and Hassan Bano. Behram was one of the ministers of king and Hassan Bano was beautiful servant of queen Noor Jahan. Intimation started between them and reached up to true love. Once Behram showed his will to marry Hassan Bano but Noor Jahan opposed it bitterly she further conspired his killing and threw is body inside the fall of Noori Cham on hearing this Hassan Bano also embraced death and dead bodies of these two true lovers disappeared in the deep water of Noori Cham.
Poshana-Another historically important village which comes after Noori Cham is Poshana. This village is situated at 33.38 latitude and 74.32 longitude, historical relevance of village is proved by its mention in Raj Tarangani(History of Jammu and Kashmir)by Kalhan .Kalhan named Poshana as Poshan Nad a Sanskrit word which means narrow track of air. According to written records the real track of Mughals for reaching valley was from Poshana but newly constructed Mughal Road left the village aside and passed from its periphery. Different types of utensils which show their link with Mughals have been found by inhabitants of this village during the construction of their houses proved the historical relevance of this village.
Peer ki Gali – Moving a head after crossing a frequently used meadow Chatta pani there arrived a religious spot named as Peer ki Gali. This place got its name because of a converted Hindu Saint (Seikh Ahmed Karim).Bernier Francios a most famous French visitor who happened to pass this place along with caravan of Mughal emperor Auranzab while going to Kashmir from Lahore in 1665 writes that this saint was living here from the time of King Jahanjir. This saint could perform miracles by producing horrible voices. He could also bring storms along with hail stones and snow. He was an old white bearded man. He ordered the people not to create noise in this calm place of God and also demanded offerings from them. Bernier further writes that he happened to meet him inside his cave and told by him that Mughal King Auranzab and Shah Jahan were wise enough as they passed this calm place of God very calmly unlike Jahangir as a result Jahangir faced dangerous results during his time of rule.
Aliabad Sarai-Few km away from Peer ki Gali and in south of Gali there is situated another Mughal fort named as Aliabad Sarai. This fort was constructed by Mughal King Shah Jahan. This fort is another beautiful example of art of artists of Mughal empire. From Aliabad Sarai there was a path to a narrow spot constructed by Shah Jahan for some security reasons. An interesting story is related to the construction of this track. As per the written records Ali Mardan Khan was a Mughal he had constructed all the forts and routes along Mughal Road. When he started constructing this path he had been told by inhabitants that this place is haunted by a man eater LalGhulam who threw every one to death from this mountain but according to local stories Ali Mardan was strong enough. He entered inside cave but did not find man eater inside he threw man eater’s son to death later on nothing has been found about Lal Gulam so far.
Daubjai-After passing Aliabad Sarai there come another beautiful and attractive meadow Daubjai .Daubjai is followed by Heerpur after crossing Heerpur this road will make you to float in heavenly atmosphere of Kashmir (Heaven on Earth).

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