The Bold Voice of J&K

Help your child beat exam stress

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Dear Editor,
Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people especially at in J&K time of COVID-19 pandemic, when with 2G internet services it is difficult to study at home.
Children are already stressed with present situation and the exam stress can create more problems for them.
As a parent it is our duty to notice the stress children are going through and help them come out of it. Look for the stress symptoms in children like worrying a lot, feeling tense, have headaches and stomach pains, not sleep well, irritated or even losing interest in food or eat more than normal.
In such situation, having someone to talk to about their work can help. Support from a parent, tutor or a friend can help children share their worries and keep things in perspective.
Encourage your child to talk to a member of school staff, who they feel is supportive. Try to involve your child as much as possible and make sure your child eats well.
Also, help your child get enough sleep. Good sleep improves thinking and concentration. Most teenagers need 8 to 10 hours sleep a night. To concentrate well in studies, it is important that to get a good sleep so that mind can be refreshed.
Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea. Sleep will benefit your child far more than a few hours of panicky last-minute study.
Make them learn to stay calm. Make sure your child has a comfortable place to study. Help them come up with practical ideas that will help them revise, such as drawing up a revision schedule or getting hold of past papers for practice.
Remind your child that it’s normal to feel anxious. Nervousness is a natural reaction to exams. The key is to put these nerves for positive use and stay calm in every situation.
It is also important to do some exercise, as it can help boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress. It does not matter what it is – walking, cycling, swimming, football and dancing are all effective.
Most importantly, before they go in for a test or exam, let them know that failing is not the end of world. If things do not go well they may be able to take exam again.
When the exams are over, help your child celebrate by organising an end-of-exams treat, so that they can feel positive and happy.
Nirmal Magotra,

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