The Bold Voice of J&K

Where is government in Jammu and Kashmir?

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Mahadeep Singh Jamwal

The defunct Jammu and Kashmir government, a coalition of two diametrically opposite poles, appears to be a reason for the Central Government to utilise the army to ensure the presence of the government in Jammu and Kashmir, only because BJP is also a power player in the State and to get absolved of bad governance in J and K along with its coalition partner PDP. Day by day the situation in Valley is slipping and going out of the control even after deployment of very large number of forces who have miserably failed to control the situation even after putting the entire Kashmir region under curfew and with deployment of considerable forces. The tentacles of Kashmir un-rest are spreading and finding now space in some part of the Jammu region. This will further compound the situation and so far calm region of Jammu is likely to add fuel to the fire. The source of un-rest in Kashmir i.e. Burhan’s killing has dried up now and the stream emerged from this source has assumed an alarming position. The hatred towards the present set up of government, continuous feeding by separatists to their ground force i.e. ‘stone pelters’, injuries to thousand on both sides, leaving many visually impaired and many more such factors have become catchment area for this stream that has swollen to such a bigger size, has put the Valley to ransom, people to hard sufferings, wiping out presence of democratic government, it has turned out to be a flash flood. The democratically elected representatives and the contingent of ministers have banished from the scene like a rat that runs away for a safer place after viewing a cobra or cat. Had they been so popular and real representative of people their concern towards the present situation somehow must have been taken as positive by the community but attacks upon these people raises a question whether they had obtained the votes of the people with free will or by some other tactics very prominent in the field of politics.
The calling out army to imbibe a feelings of presence of State Government to enforce the writ of the State is not a justified decision and it will further escalate the problem. These facts stand conceived by some thinkers in Delhi involved in the process to work out solutions to the present turmoil as reported by many news papers that ‘although army presence may escalate the situation but feel sure that army will ultimately prevail over the situation’ is not a solution expected from visionary and intelligent minds as basically by applying such measures and compelling the masses to remain shut inside as to maintain just the sanctity of the curfew orders depriving the people of basic amenities is nothing but to choke the voice of people, which may not be in the interest of the nation but humanity does not speak so and it will be termed as crack down on the whole mass which include maximum innocents and very few mischief mongers. This action of the government (who are also people from people) on people already voicing against forces will be taken as sprinkling of salt on their wounds. Moreover it may come as temporary relief to the government but it is breathing time for such forces to rejuvenate for a fresh move. The history of Jammu and Kashmir speaks that the smooth flow of only those governments have remained, who had taken soft attitude towards separatists in Kashmir providing every facility to them on the tax money of people. Even Central Governments have always been harping only by providing big financial packages to the Valley and thousands of crores on mission ‘Clean Dal Lake’ usurped by the mighty leaders from time to time. But no serious thought has ever cropped into the minds of our politicians to hit at the real trouble spot. All nasty thoughts are put to public domain by these politicians only when they have to woo for the vote.
The PM’s big statement during elections in J and K that he will be celebrating every Dewali in Kashmir was nothing except overreaction but at present he must open his lips to speak over Kashmir regarding any move to provide solace to the innocent sufferers. His words that the misguided youths are required to have books and computers in their hands is not enough as it has now become a common man’s advice. But at the same moment we don’t expect any such emotional oratory as ‘attack him rather than his Dalit brethren’ in Hyderabad, which speaks of his helplessness whereas his coterie branding him as world leader and finding much space in electronic and print media by the comments of others. How funny a political oration, that a man protected by hundreds of security men asks one to attack him. The all party meeting held in Delhi by PM avoiding some important political platforms from J and K and inviting some irrelevant parties also under criticism and it also not sounds well from such national meeting. What transpired during meeting has become a selective secrecy. We always speak on the day to day situation but never go to the root cause of such problems. The present situation owes its origin from the day one when the Coalition Government was formed by late Mufti. At that time BJP ditched the Jammuites by airing that mandate is to form government with opposite pole and the opposite pole at the target was none else than PDP during election campaign. Similarly PDP ditched the Kashmirites by allying with BJP which was the main opposite plank by PDP branding it as a RSS and VHP dangerous tool. But late Mufti succeeded somehow to please the separatists, whose writ in public domain in Valley cannot be underestimated by his oration immediately after oath ceremony crediting peaceful conduction of election to militants, Pakistan, and even ISI. But present CM failed to understand the mind bombarding against her and failed to feel a wave of hate and intolerance against her brewing in the Valley, when she again embraced BJP after keeping everyone in the Valley guessing that she will not repeat the folly of his father. Her attempt to please somehow the Valleyites by releasing 600 stone pelters failed to leave some positive approach by the common mass in Valley. Even if a single stone pelter released by Kashmir centric politicians have five minds as sympathiser (sure to be more than it) of him, the 600 such stone pelters released by Kashmir centric politics fully backed by the BJP both at the State and Center is a reckoning force which is enough to act as humming bees to hover over the Lotus, which stand smashed in Jammu and lusting features are diminishing in the entire country.
We carry in our thoughts the two day’s visit of our HM to the Valley and meeting to resolve the present un-rest, boycotted by a large impressive section of the Valley and no results there off but increase in the turmoil. Few days later visit to Pakistan to attend SAARC meeting and coming back with swollen face and in the Parliament session boasting of his very clear massage given in the meeting is un-understandable to a common man of Jammu and Kashmir, who is looking towards a viable solution to end the sufferings because of complete shutdown of Valley and from minor to elder everyone is on roads and streets against the present set up of the government sponsored act as viewed by Valleyites.
When there is no presence of government, the people’s representatives have banished into thin air, the governments dictates are thrown into dust bin, death tolls in the un-rest are ever increasing day by day, thousands left crippled and blind, financial sector have sunk, educational institutions closed, future of generations plunged into dark age, people deprived of their constitutional rights, murder of civil rights of the people, seize of national highway, sword of criminal cases expected to be registered against the forces working in the Valley as per government directions hanging in balance, then how it cannot be taken as failure of government to run it as per provisions of Constitution and a stage to strike down the popular government which is most unpopular at present and to put the State under Governor rule is to be deferred. In such a treacherous situation where there is complete failure to run the government as per constitutional provisions is not enough for imposing Governor’s rule, then we have to visit another school of thought to get it defined in a new way but with a vision of our political think tanks where they have to set their own political agenda like in Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh acting very swiftly to impose President rule and dethroning the elected governments (laterally slapped by Apex Court) not like J and K where they are equal share holder in power.
There is no writ of government but is thrown to dust bin by the commoners and separatists are dictating the terms being obeyed by the majority of masses in Valley. Handing over the Kashmir to army how it sounds well than dismissing the government and imposing the Governor rule than to shield the uprooted government only because of the facts that both the power players at present i.e. PDP and BJP are going to be clearly washed out if fresh elections are held for a political gain can be debated in a broad spectrum for real perspective, but for a common man there is no government visible on ground and the present period for them is not less than dark days of humanity.

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