The Bold Voice of J&K

Government formation in J and K

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R B Suri

In the recently concluded Assembly Elections-2014 in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the people of the State through their right to franchise have played their role magnificently. This has certainly strengthened the very roots of the Parliamentary democracy in the country in general and J and K particular. Their role  is magnificent and appreciable because of the reason that they have shown the separatists and militant outfits  the out gates thereby rejecting  their dictates and boycot calls for not taking  active part in the GoI governed  electoral process. The electorates of the State, in totality have given the verdict for a Hung Assembly in which no political party could be able to secure the appropriate/ required Nos. of MLAs in the Legislative Assembly on the basis which it can claim for the formation of a proper government in J and K.Given below is the party wise position:-
People’s Democratic Party – 28; Bhartiya Janta Party -25; J&K National Conference -12; Indian National Congress -15; J and K People’s Conference -02; CPM -01; Independents -04.        Total:-           87
Of course,  this  is  a  fractured mandate in which no party enjoys the position to form the government in Jammu and Kashmir State. But in larger interests the country they should rise to the occasion  and make their concerted and serious efforts in government formation in the State.
Placed below are the options open for formation of the government in J and K:-
1- PDP and BJP =  53  MLAs; 2-  BJP,NC PC and 3 Independents  =  45  MLAs; 3- PDP, NC and INC = 55 MLAs; 4-    PDP,NC,CPM,PDF and 2 Independents                  = 47 MLAs.
Of all the above , Option at 1 is suitable and for the very interests of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Prudent leadership of these two political parties should think deeply and jointly and do whatever possible for the weak , poor and gentle people of our State.
They have put the main stake holders i.e. PDP and BJP in a dilemma as helpless. The stake holders are confused and perplexed. Time is running  swiftly which never comes again as it is . I am just recollecting my memory and narrate here the 1st. Line of the famous song as, “Guzra Hua Zamana Atta Nahin Do Baara Hafiz Khuda Tumahra” and also pen down other two  famous proverbs  which too are relevant on this score, “it is of no use to cry over the split milk” and “time and tide wait fornone”. Now in the prevailing circumstances and the political scenario of the State of Jammu and  Kashmir, it becomes the duty and responsibility of  PDP and the BJP to rise to the occasion and do the best in the interests of the State in particular and the country as general without wasting any further time in the matter involved. Through the electronic and print media, it is very clear that the serious efforts are on from both the sides – PDP and BJP for the formation of strong and stable government in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Time is running short in reaching at a logical conclusion between the two main stake holders in government formation.Keeping in view the present scenario of the State, one can think of the following ‘Common Minimum Programme’ between the ‘would be’ partners- PDP and The BJP:-
1. Mufti Mohammed Syeed of PDP would be the Chief Minister of the J and K State and popular leader of BJP (out of 25 elected MLAs) as Deputy Chief Minister for six years.
2. Announcement of unemployment allowance within a week’s time after the government is sworn in. – At least Rs. 2,000 per month to the Unemployed Youth of the State till he /she gets Employment.
3.    Approval and sanction of a sizeable package for the Rehabilitation  of the flood victims in J and K State, and its announcement within a month for its implementation.
4.    Constitution of Regional Councils- One each for Jammu, Kashmir and Ladhakh thereby giving them the equitable status. All these Councils shall be headed by the Cabinet Minister and assisted by a senior most IAS officer as the Chief Executive Officer with financial grants and full budgetary support.
5.    No partner shall insist on Article 370 abrogation- or retention of the same / withdrawal of AFSPA. Status quo ante shall remain maintained.
6.   While accepting the latest report of the PSC, the GoI/ J and K State Govt. would announce the package for the rehabilitation of the West Pakistan refugees of 1965, 1971, 1999 Indo Pak wars and PoK refugees and its proper implementation would be completed by the end June 2015.
7.    All the security forces/ para military personnel be withdrawn from the Valley and let the Valley be governed by the divisional / police administration headed by very competent  DGP K Rajendera.
8.   Absorption of at least 70,000 unemployed youth in the State / Central Government in two years. i.e. 35,000 in 2015 and rest 35, 000 in next year.
9. All the ministers shall declare their moveable and immoveable assets as on 1st January 2015 within a week’s time including the Chief Minister.
10. No intra region rivalry, respecting Intra Region Sentiments. No exploitation.
11.Constitution of Delimitation Commission in J and K.
12. Extension of Food Guarantee Act in J and K.
Apart from the above, all Lawazmat of the Union of India shall be complied by both the partners in a time bound manner  such as  proper furnishing of the ‘Utilisation Certificates’ to the Central Government with regard to. the Funds received and spent on approved and sanctioned projects in J and State. As per the Constitutional stipulations, the formation of a proper and stable government in J and K has to be completed by or before 19 th January, 2015.  Playing the advisory role, the Governor, N. N Vohra had invited the leaders of the single largest party as also the No. 2 party for discussions on the formation of next government in J and K. The leaders of both the parties met the Governor and had the discussions with him on the issue involved. These discussions were held a week back. There are no visible results as yet. As per the media reports available, only cursory talks are going on between the leaders of the BJP and the PDP but without any results.
Meaningful, purposeful  and structured dialogue process in the right direction is yet to begin for reaching at the logical conclusion. Both the leaderships are wise and experienced one from whom we expect a lot for the ultimate benefits of the masses at large. In the preceding lines of this article, I have touched the lines of a famous song which is very much relevant  here in the ongoing such important  talks. Giving respect to the  time and understanding its value, PDP and BJP should come closer  in the process of dialogue in reaching at an amicable understanding in the overall interests of the J and K State. Time and tide wait for none. It is the high time to act very soon otherwise “Pachhtana Hoga Badh Mein”  ” Kyon Ke Gaya Waqt Vapis Nahin Atta”. It’s a fundamental saying.  One who is prudent, ‘ll certainly act upon this fundamental. Already time is running short  but things are not moving so fastly. At the same time it is very clear that people have out rightly rejected the  National Conference and the Indian National Congress and given an ample opportunity to the PDP and the BJP to come closer and form the popular government in the State of Jammu and Kashmir well before 19th January,2015. Still there is a time to act.
Since the people at large are having high expectations from the PDP and BJP combine so it becomes obligatory on the part of both of them to provide a  exemplary government in the State.  A workable Common Minimum Programme (CMP) for the PDP and BJP combine has been suggested in the foregoing lines to act upon in running the proposed government. A due care is taken in working out this CMP.I appeal to both the stake holders to apply their minds in the right earnest and get ready to enter into a meaningful and purposeful dialogue and should try to reach at a logical conclusion for the betterment of the subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. This combination is the need of the hour. One cannot sideline this owing to the reason that this is the demand of the day.
As an outcome of the recently concluded Assembly in the State, 12 th Legislative Assembly of the State stands constituted and notified by the Law Department  on 29th of last month. A stalemate is prevailing at the moment and it looks it will go on like this in the  coming 3-4 days  more.
The Governor of the State apprised the Central Government through its Home Minister at New Delhi about the discussions he had with the Leadrs of the PDP and the BJP at Jammu on 31st December 2014 and 1st January 2015 on this score. It is pertinent to mention here that if nothing concrete will come out  then  it is a fit case for imposition of Governor’s Rule in the State after 19th January, 2015 as well.
On this score, then the old proverb shall apply here. It is of no use to cry over the split milk.
In this eventuality, the political organisations in the State shall have to face the avoidable Assembly elections once again in near future. Therefore let us pray for the good for the State in the given situation.

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