The Bold Voice of J&K

What is going on in our Govt schools

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Dear Editor,
Inspite of big claims of State and Central Governments, to get rid of corruption from our society—results are zero. Both have failed very badly. I  have full faith that if intensions are honest, men will definitely succeed, if your intensions are bad or corrupt, you will never succeed in your aim. At present, both are not making sincere efforts in this regard.
Corruption in our society is definitely rested and something special needs to be done to uproot it from one sociely. Honest people are just like monkey sitting on trees but black owls are sitting on the top. They do not realise what their end will be.
Now I would like to concentrate only on corruption in SSA funds. Grants like TLM , TXE and maintenance are purily utilised. Most of the teachers are not spending even a penny out of TLM and maintenance grant allotted for the institution.
There are no standing instructions regarding TLM how to use it and when to use it, most of it is preserved for teachers to use it as a pocket money. As far as maintenance grant is concerned, it is mostly used for white washing without doing any actual work on ground in remote areas. Only bills are adjusted and funds misused.
On an average 30-40 students are left in most of the middle schools and 10-15 in primary schools still additional class rooms are being sanctioned  to get more funds. At the moment, concentration should be to improve the quality of education and strength in Govt. schools but nothing is being done. Meetings are taking place at every corner not to improve MDM but to wide the area if corruption for corrupt persons.
In order to improve conditions in our Govt. schools the following steps need immediate attention.
1.Introduce uniform books and uniform syllabus in all Govt. and private schools.
2.Strict monitoring of schools by the team of honest people and on the spot punishment to teachers.
3.Strict punishment to those teachers, masters and lectures who compel the students for private tuition.
4.Abusive teachers and making unnecessary remarks to female students should be severely punished.
5.System of examination on the pattern(U1,U2), either be stopped or implemented strictly. Most amusing aspect of Continuous and Comprehensive Education (CCE) is that teachers/ lectures are just preparing award rolls for U1 and U2 keeping in mind different  criteria like_ caste, sub castes relation with students and tuition etc. ignoring the basic guidelines of CCE. It is pertinent to mention here that the role of DIET is not very encouraging they have made mockery of things in last years middle standard examination.
6.Action against all the teachers  who are running their private schools and who are teaching in private schools be initiated .
7.If possible, all private schools should be closed in our State to improve the standard of education and strength of students in Govt. schools.
I would conclude by saying that only disciplined characters and honest attempts can improve things in Govt. schools.
Rajiv Chadha

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