The Bold Voice of J&K

Fueling Health and Wellness: Together Towards a Nourished Future’

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Dr Mittal Rathod

Welcome to the National Nutrition Week 2023 Newsletter! National Nutrition Month, celebrated annually in September, to remind us nutrition’s vital role in our lives. This year’s theme, “Healthy Diet Gawing Affordable for All,” underscores the importance of accessible nutrition regardless of income or social status. We embrace a life cycle approach, catering to nutritional needs and well-being from infancy to old age, recognizing the changing requirements and dietary habits across different life stages.
Maternal Nutrition: Ensuring a Thriving Future Generation
We need to contribute to a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period for the well-being of both themselves and their newborns. Ensuring adequate maternal nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding is vital for promoting optimal growth and development of both the fetus and the newborn. Here’s an explanation of the importance of maternal nutrition, along with some examples:
Importance of Maternal Nutrition:
Fetal Development: Adequate maternal nutrition provides essential nutrients to support the growth and development of the fetus, including the brain, organs, and body systems.
Reducing Risk of Birth Defects: Key nutrients like folic acid (FA) help prevent neural tube defects and other congenital disabilities in the early stages of pregnancy.
Optimal Birth Weight: Proper maternal nutrition contributes to healthy birth weight, reducing the risk of low birth weight and associated health complications.
Brain Development: Omega-3 fatty acids, choline, and iron are vital nutrients for supporting fetal brain development and promoting cognitive function.
Immune System Support: Nutrient-rich diets strengthen the immune system of both the mother and the developing baby.
4Preventing Maternal Complications: Balanced nutrition reduces the risk of maternal complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
4Breastfeeding Success: Good maternal nutrition supports the production of nutrient-rich breast milk, benefiting the newborn’s growth and immune system.
Examples of Maternal Nutrition:
4Folate and Folic Acid: Leafy greens, legumes, and fortified cereals are good sources for preventing Neural tube defects.
4Iron: Iron is crucial for preventing anemia in both the mother and the baby. Lean meats, beans, lentils, and fortified cereals are iron-rich foods.
4Calcium: Calcium supports the baby’s bone development and helps prevent maternal bone loss. Dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified plant-based milks are calcium sources.
4Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s are essential for brain and vision development. Sources are fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
4Protein: Protein is vital for fetal tissue development and maternal tissue repair. Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, and dairy are protein-rich choices.
4Vitamin D: Vitamin D supports bone health and the immune system. Sun exposure & fortified foods like milk and cereal provide vitamin D.
4Choline: Choline is essential for brain development. Sources are dairy products, Eggs, lean meats, and fish.
4Iodine: Adequate iodine intake is crucial for proper thyroid function and brain development. Iodized salt, seafood, and dairy products provide iodine.
4Vitamin C: Vitamin C aids in iron absorption and supports the immune system. Citrus fruits, berries, and bell peppers are high in vitamin C.
4Hydration: Staying hydrated is vital for maintaining amniotic fluid levels and supporting maternal circulation.
4Balanced Diet: A varied diet that includes a mix of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides a spectrum of nutrients.
4Limiting Harmful Substances: Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and excessive caffeine is vital for a healthy pregnancy.
Starting Right: The Journey of Infant Nutrition
Infant nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy life, with exclusive breastfeeding, starting with Colostrum, rich in Vitamin A and antibodies, recommended until six months of age. After six months, complementary foods like mashed daal, fruits, and vegetables can be introduced alongside continued breastfeeding, adjusting to family preferences as the baby grows.
Childhood Nutrition: Nurturing the Next Generation
Proper childhood nutrition is vital for growth and development. Experts emphasize early nutrition, debunk myths, and stress the roles of schools, communities, and families in promoting healthy habits. Provide three balanced meals and two to three nutritious snacks daily, covering a variety of food groups, including grains, iron-rich options, fruits, vegetables, proteins, healthy fats, and dairy products.
Empowering Young Eaters: Fostering Healthy Habits
As children grow, their nutritional needs change. Empower parents, caregivers, and educators to cultivate healthy eating habits. Encourage fresh, hot, cooked snacks over fried, dry options, and educate kids about the drawbacks of junk food. Limit restaurant meals to occasional treats.
Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in all Age group
4Set a healthy example: Model good eating habits by including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy.
4Make meals fun: Create visually appealing dishes with colorful ingredients and creative presentations.
4Limit processed foods: Choose minimally processed foods over sugary snacks and highly processed items.
4Family meals: Promote social interaction and expose kids to diverse foods by eating together.
4Teach balanced nutrition: Explain the importance of balanced meals with carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
4Involve them in meal planning: Empower them to make healthier choices by participating in meal planning and shopping.
4Healthy snacking: Offer nutritious snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yoghurt instead of sugary options.
4Reduce fast food and sugary drinks: Discuss the health risks of excessive fast food and sugary beverages.
4Practice mindful eating: Pay attention to hunger cues, eat slowly, and savor each bite.
4Balanced meals: Include all food groups-proteins, grains, healthy fats, colorful fruits and vegetables, and non-vegetarian options if desired.
4Control portions: Monitor portion sizes to prevent overeating and excess calorie intake.
4Cut back on added sugars and salt: Stress the importance of limiting added sugars and excessive salt for overall health.
4Opt for nutrient-rich foods: Prioritize foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, fiber, and antioxidants to support bone health and well-being.
4Stay hydrated: Remind them to drink enough water and consume hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables.
4Choose easy-to-eat foods: Provide soft, nutrient-dense options for dental or chewing challenges.
4Maintain regular meals: Encourage consistent eating patterns to sustain energy levels and support digestion.
Empowering Women through Nutrition: Nurturing the Caregivers: Women’s Role in Family Nutrition
Women are vital in family nutrition, promoting balanced diets and healthy lifestyles. Empowering women through nutrition is vital to a healthier future. This includes educating them on food selection, cooking methods, portion control, and meal timing. Simple tips like washing vegetables before chopping, covering food while cooking, and serving fresh, balanced meals are essential.
Balancing Taste and Nutrition: A Recipe for Health
From color-full salads to wholesome grain bowls, discover how simple culinary choices can contribute to your well-being. Develop this taste from the beginning within the family. The change day should be fixed.
Together, let’s continue working towards a healthier and brighter future.
(The writer is Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
AIIMS, Jammu).

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