The Bold Voice of J&K

Festivals- basis of cultur & cultural unity

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Dr Satyawan Saurabh

India is a country of festivals. Festivals work to connect us socially and culturally. Our cultural and cultural unity is the basic foundation of India’s integrity. On fasting days, we remember the deities, fast, donate and listen to stories, so that along with personal progress, the message of social harmony also reaches the society. The seeds of Indian culture are hidden in this only. Some such days come in our social life, due to which not only a person, or a family, but the whole society is happy and elated. If India is called a country of festivals, then it would be appropriate. There is a saying in the Bhojpuri language – ‘Seven times nine festivals’.
Being agricultural, each season change has its use with laughter-joy and entertainment. The festival has been included on these occasions, which is appropriate. In the first category are the festivals, festivals, and fairs, which are cultural and whose purpose is to protect the basic elements and ideas of Indian culture. All the big festivals of Hindus come in this class, like the Holika festival, Deepawali, Basant, Shravani, Sankranti, etc. Protecting culture is their soul. Those festivals come in the second category; they have been made in the holy memory of some great man. There is a law to remember the qualities, pastimes, pious character, and greatness of the great man whose memory these are. Festivals like Ramnavami, Krishnashtami, Bhishma-Panchami, Hanuman-Jayanti, Nag-Panchami, etc. can be kept in this category. That is, there is a festival here every day. The example of unity in diversity is seen on the occasion of this festival. These festivals bring refreshing moments with happiness, joy, joy, and gaiety to the person in the everyday running, energy filled with confusion, becoming deserted. This applies not only to Hinduism but to various religions and sects. These festivals are based on the social beliefs, traditions, and past rituals of different people’s communities. All festivals have their traditions and customs.
These festivals provide character and emotional strength to man by developing moral qualities like compassion, kindness, simplicity, hospitality, mutual love, goodwill, and charity in human life. The pride and identity of Indian culture, these festivals are very important from the social, religious, cultural, and spiritual points of view. Social festivals and inter-school cultural events provide wonderful opportunities to help build children’s confidence and interpersonal skills.
Interpersonal skills include the ability to communicate and interact effectively with others and self-confidence is belief in oneself and one’s abilities, both of which are essential to building positive relationships with others. In this article, we will look at some of the ways how these events help build children’s confidence and interpersonal skills. Social festivals bring exposure to different cultures, languages, and traditions, which can broaden their horizons and help them, develop empathy and understanding toward others. Make new friends and contacts, which can help to feel more connected to the community and develop a sense of belonging.
These events are a great way to develop this as they bring a lot of people together and thus create a sense of unity and brotherhood. They teach us to be more accepting, tolerant, and inclusive of people from different walks of life. Marketing has changed all the systems. Our festivals also did not remain untouched by this. Perhaps that’s why major festivals are losing their color and it seems that we celebrate festivals only to fulfill formalities. No one has free time to inquire about the sorrows and pains of the people at these major festivals. Everyone is busy earning money. Dirty politics has also ruined the fun of festivals. We were slaves for hundreds of years. But our elders never let the color of these festivals fade.
Today in this economic age everything has changed. It was said that no one is small on the day of the festival. No one else is bigger. All equal But now the display of colors has remained and the meeting is just a formality. Even on the day of the festival, we are not able to fully connect with our loved ones and society.
Due to this the taste of sweets has become astringent. We talk about removing the darkness of the whole earth, but we are unable to remove even the darkness within ourselves. This ritual performed by us on festivals probably indicates that along with our older generations, our festivals also left. Our festivals are the living form of our sensibilities and traditions, which every member of society likes to celebrate or say, to celebrate again and again, every year. Innumerable concerns about our civilization and culture are hidden in these beliefs, traditions, and ideas.
The thought of our festivity, which fills our lives with unique colors of life, gives rise to a new flow of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in the mind. Our minds and life both are festive. Our festivity binds the family and society in one thread. Teaches to live united and gives gift of participation and mutual coordination. Our festivals, which add colors to our lives, social festivals provide a unique platform to collaborate, meet and socialize with peers, showcase our talents, and the ability to teach and learn about different cultures and traditions. Is.
These skills are an essential part of our lives and are often at the core of almost all aspects of our lives. Therefore, as far as their relevance is concerned in the present times, on the days of fasting and festivals, we remember the said deity, fast, donate and listen to stories, which show the message of social harmony along with personal progress.
The seeds of Indian culture are hidden in it. Festivals have an immense contribution to the development of Indian culture. Fasting, festivals, festivals, fairs, etc. have their special importance in Indian culture. Most of the festivals of Hindus are celebrated because, in the form of Hindu sages, plans have been made to make life juicy and beautiful. Every festival, festival, fast, festival, fair etc. have a secret significance. Indian culture is associated with each. They have been determined by keeping a specific idea or purpose in front. Special emphasis has been laid on the need for a value education for the re-establishment of values.
Value education has become the need of the hour today. So it needs to be implemented as soon as possible. In the present digital era, people are forgetting their civilization and culture. Because of this, the importance of fasting and festivals increases.
(The author is a Research scholar, poet and freelance journalist).

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