The Bold Voice of J&K

DUCB releases news letter

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UDHAMPUR: Devika Urban Cooperative Bank (DUCB) Udhampur released the maiden issue of its news letter here on Thursday. Chairman of the Bank Vikram Singh Slathia organised a function to release the much awaited news letter amdist crowd of prominent citizens, bank directors and staff.
Adopting an innovative way news letter was released amidst the presence of the senior citizens of Udhampur accompanied by Dr R.C Nagar, Dharamveer Gupta former Chairman of the Bank, Hukam Chand, Rajinder Lal, directors and staff members of the bank.
All spokespersons congratulated the bank for this initiative. They said new things must be added to an organisation for its enrichment adding good leaders not only continue the best old practices but also initiate many new ones for creating a culture of newness.
They further added that bank is flourishing and spreading its hue in the form of customer satisfaction. They wished all the staff members especially Chairman of Bank Vikram Singh Slathia whose incomparable and strenuous efforts have given a new direction to the bank.
Vikram Singh Slathia expressed his satisfaction for the successful publication of the newsletter.
Releasing this newsletter by the senior citizens is a message to the people to honour their experience and wisdom and seek their blessings. Besides prominent citizens others present on the occasion were Directors of the Bank Bodh Raj, Sudesh Sharma, Shareholder, Chander Shekhar, Ashok Kumar, Virender Kumar and many more.

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