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Dozens join Shiv Sena, Akhnoor unit formed

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AKHNOOR: Shiv Sena, Jammu and Kashmir unit, formed it’s Akhnoor unit on Sunday in which Sumit Sharma appointed as President and Sanjay Sharma as General Secretary.
On the occasion about two dozen youths and women, including Rameshwar Singh, Vishal Gupta, Kamal Sharma, Naveen Sharma, Ranjana Sharma, Romi Gupta, Ravi Kumar, Raman, Pawan Kumar joined the party, influenced by the policies and works of the party leaders.
Party State President Manish Sahni and President Women Wing Meeakshi Chhibber General Secretary Vikas Bakshi welcomed Newly members with Shiv Bandhan.
Sahni instructed all the Shiv Sainiks to serve the society, religion and to connect with the people on the ground level.
Geeta Rani, Rajat Lahoria, Bhuri Singh, Pooja Rani, Vikram Singh, Santosh Kumari were present on the occasion.

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