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Donald trumps Clinton; elected US President

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Washington: In a result that stunned the world, rank outsider Donald Trump was on Wednesday elected the President crushing strongly-favoured Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, raising questions over US’ equations with other countries given his hardline stand on tackling terrorism, immigration and protecting domestic jobs.
Riding a wave of anti-establishment resentment in a closely-contested race to become the 45th US President, the 70-year-old billionaire businessman, who took to politics only 18 months ago, won with a comfortable margin securing 289 electoral college votes against Clinton’s 218. To win the presidential election, a candidate needs 270 of the 538 electoral college votes.
The Republican candidate’s victory after a polarising and often ugly campaign immediately raised concerns in the Muslim world because of his strong stance against “radical Islamic terrorism” and calls to stop immigration of Muslims.
In the other parts of the world also there were concerns over his strident stand against influx of professionals and job-seekers which he asserted had robbed Americans of their jobs.
It was a heart-break for Democratic nominee Clinton, who was hoping to become the first woman president of the US, as Trump edged past her in a see-saw battle. Clinton, who did not make a traditional concession speech, called Trump and congratulated him.
Trump reciprocated in his victory speech, saying she fought very hard and the country owes her a major debt of gratitude for her service to it. Seeking to “bind the wounds of division” after a bitter and divisive campaign, Trump pledged to be the President for all Americans and asked Republicans, Democrats and independents across the country to come together as one united people.
The 70-year-old business tycoon’s strong showing in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Texas and North Carolina helped him pull-off a win which proved most pollsters wrong.
Trump, addressing his supporters at his campaign headquarters, said, “It is time for us to come together as one united people. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president of all Americans.”
“Ours was not a campaign, but a movement. It is a movement comprising from all races, background and believes. Working together, we would begin the urgent task of rebuilding the country. The country has a tremendous potential,” he said.
“We are going to fix inner cities, we are going to build our infrastructure. We would put millions of people to work as we rebuild it,” he told his supporters amid loud cheers.
Earlier, Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said, “This is a historic night. The American people have spoken and the American people have chosen their champion. The American people have chosen a president.”
“His leadership and vision would make America Great,” Pence said while introducing President-elect Trump.
Trump will be the oldest president ever sworn in for a first term.

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