The Bold Voice of J&K

DG NCC felicitates girls mountaineering expedition team

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dg ncc

UDHAMPUR: Director General (DG), National Cadet Corps (NCC) Lt Gen A Chakravarty flagged-in the NCC Girls Mountaineering expedition team here on Friday. This year NCC Girls cadet took part in a mountaineering expedition to Mount Rudugaira located at a height of 19091 Ft in Garhwal Himalayas (Uttarakhand).
The team underwent extensive training in ice-craft, snow craft, and avalanche crevasse study before scaling the peak. They attempted the peak in two groups. The first group led by Col O.K Pawar, expedition leader along with five cadets and four support staff. They scaled the peak on 18th September, 2014 and the second team led by Lt Col A Thakur, Deputy Leader along with seven cadets and support staff braving icy winds and bad weather scaled the peak on 19th September, 2014.
The girl cadets while interacting with the DG NCC recounted their maiden adventurous experience which has given tremendous boost to their confidence and strength to face challenges in future.

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