The Bold Voice of J&K

DG CRPF visits south Kashmir, reviews operational preparedness

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Srinagar: CRPF Director General Sujoy Lal Thaosen visited South Kashmir on Tuesday to review the operational preparedness of the force, officials said.
“Thaosen along with Inspector General Kashmir Ops Sector M S Bhatia visited South Kashmir to review the operational preparedness and deployment of troops,” a of Central Reserve Police Force spokesperson said.
He said during the visit, the DG interacted with senior officers of CRPF at 90 Battalion at Anantnag and assessed the situation on the ground.
“Thaosen lauded the efforts of the officers and jawans and commended them for their dedication to their duties and valour in serving the nation,” the spokesperson said.
Thaosen expressed satisfaction with the operational preparedness and deployment of troops in the region, the official said.
“Thaosen’s visit to South Kashmir highlights CRPF’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of The people in the region. The CRPF remains steadfast in its resolve to protect the sovereignty and integrity of our nation,” the spokesperson added.

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