The Bold Voice of J&K

Are we developing equally?

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Dear Editor,
While India as whole develops in bulk some places don’t even get a bit. Equality as we all talk of lacks its existence. Narh Balnoi a far flung Village in Tehsil Mendhar of District Poonch has no sign of development instead it seems people here are Aadivasis. Economically it is too sick. Govt. officials from here are negligible. On the whole it is poorly maintained. Education here seems next to impossible. A middle school stands here but only for identification its infrastructure is nowhere, bathroom here is never used before. People say they never saw this school working properly. Teachers don’t join their postings as they are not interested and who joined have rare visits and inappropriate timings for the school duty. Students of 8th std. can’t even write their names, there is no transport facility, they have to travel by foot nearly 6 km which small children can’t manage and they are left illeterate and Govt. still thinks of equality towards every corner of country.
Amar Shabir
Narh Balnoi, Mendhar
Congress culture!

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