The Bold Voice of J&K

Deaths will further alienate people from mainstream: Rana

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Deaths will further alienate people from mainstream RanaBlames BJP of creating an anarchical situation

JAMMU: National Conference Provincial President Jammu Devender Singh Rana on Thursday cautioned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that current spate of deaths in Jammu and Kashmir are hurting the psyche of the people, thereby further alienating and distancing them from the mainstream. “The so called protagonists of ‘nationalism’ must understand that such a strategy certainly does not serve the national Interest”, Rana said while interacting with various deputations from the Pir Panchal and Chenab Valley districts here this afternoon, adding that the BJP is doing immense dis-service to the nation. He said even when the Kashmir Valley was on boil for the past forty days, attempts were being made by vested interests to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in Poonch, Rajouri, Doda, Ramban and Kishtwar Districts .
“This is a dangerous development”, he said while adding that after failing to govern this sensitive State due to their naivety and administrative inexperience, the present dispensation was attempting to hide their failures with an avowed objective of diverting attention. He warned that such machinations would be met forcefully by the peace loving and secular people of this region who have still not forgotten mischievous role of the BJP. He said the people also know how BJP-PDP combine worked systematically and in a covert strategy in 2008 and inflicted a blot to the State, known for its pluralistic ethos. “Stung by 2008 agitation, the people will not oblige BJP in its sinister design this time”, the Provincial President asserted and warned the perpetrators of hatred to stop murky politics and dirty tricks. He said the BJP has done much harm to the interests of State by pushing it backwards with willing support of the PDP. At the same time, he made a passionate appeal to the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh to read between the lines. He said the people of Jammu are equally pained by the Kashmir sufferings, which has impacted the normality in this region too. “Deaths of children should even stir the conscience of any human being”, he said and asked the PDP-BJP combine to put an immediate end to lethal weapons that have left the Valley in traumatic situation.
Rana said that political sagacity lies in allowing space to dissent and variant political views. “Instead of crushing dissent by barrel of gun, the battle of ideas should have been given a chance”, he said while taking jibe at much abused slogan of “Goli Se Nahi Boli Se”. “At this critical juncture of history, National Conference has a central role to steer the State out of the present morass”, he said and highlighted the crucial role of the cadre in reaching out to the people and help in maintaining peace and tranquility. “The cherished slogan of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian will guide us in this effort”, he maintained.


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