The Bold Voice of J&K

Curb terrorism

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Dear Editor,
This refers to the statement of PM Modi “Terror should be put down with iron hand” (State Times- July 17). There is no place in the world that terrorism has not been able to infiltrate. It is unfortunate that innocent people are killed in the terrorist attacks. Global powers should come under one umbrella united to thwart the terrorist network and remove their presence once for all from the face of this planet. What we need is better and improved intelligence systems. Better coordination between investigating authorities is also a landmark, and is horizontal to communal tension. Enough has been said on the issue of terrorism without any desired result.
We are badly in need of a leader who can put an end to the hazard. A great man said an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. War against terrorism will succeed only when nowhere in the world are poor children forced to give up their lives for the blind war waged by religious bigots. Time has come that all public gathering places all over the world must have high security. Only a firm course of action rooted in secular convictions can help.
Vinod C. Dixit

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