The Bold Voice of J&K

Crime Branch unearths fake RBA scam

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JAMMU: Crime Branch Jammu unearthed a fake RBA Scam. According to a communication bearing No. DCR/GS/3212-16 dated 4th August, 2016 with six leaves enclosed, made by Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri was received in the Crime Branch, perusal of which revealed that RBA certificates and other documents were issued under the seal of Tehsildar Darhal but the signature of then Tehsildar Darhal, Aamir Ayaiz Rather were found to be forged, as the Tehsildar denied having signed certificates and requested the Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri to hold an enquiry and book all the culprits.
On this a fact finding enquiry was conducted by Deputy Commissioner, Rajouri through Shahid Iqbal Incharge Tehsildar Darhal and was found that RBA certificates issued in favour of Shayed Malik, Shazia Kouser and Raheena Kouser son/daughter of Ali Bahadurm resident of Village Thannamang (Darhal) vide No. BCG/220-23 dated 8th September, 2015 contained the seal and signatures of then Tehsildar Darhal but the signatures were found to be fake and forged.
It was also revealed that said Ali Bahadur met one Said Ullah, an Irrigation Patwari, posted in Darhal and discussed with him the issuance of RBA certificates for his children upon which Said Ullah charged Rs. 200 from Ali Bahadur for preparation of the files and also affixed the official seal of Tehsildar Darhal and later these certificates were issued. Accordingly, matter was referred to the Crime Branch for investigation.
According to case Ali Bahadur with the help of Said Ullah Patwari and others have got prepared the fake and fabricated RBA certificates in favour of his children.
The omissions and commissions, therefore, on the part of Ali Bahadur, Said Ullah, Patwari and others, prima facie, constitute offences punishable u/s 420, 465, 466, 467, 468, 471, 120-B RPC.

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