The Bold Voice of J&K

Court awards life-imprisonment to accused in kidnapping, rape & murder case

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JAMMU: 2nd Additional Sessions Judge Srinagar Renu Dogra in a case of kidnapping, rape and murder of a 10-yr old minor girl, awarded life-imprisonment to one Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh, who happens to be distant cousin of deceased. The case of the prosecution as culminated into charge-sheet is that on August 23, 2007 at 1500 hours one Fayaz Ahmad, resident of Ikhrajpora Rajbagh, Srinagar approached Police Station Rajbagh, lodged a complaint stating therein that his daughter, aged about 10-yr went out to shop at 1300 hours and went untraceable. As per police, the investigation confirmed that Zahoor, who happens to be distant cousin of victim, was putting up in the same house where family of deceased lives. On August 23, 2007, the prosecution said that accused followed the victim when she was sent by her father to bring cigarettes and bread from a nearby shop. Sheikh lured her to a nearby vacant house where he raped and murdered her by striking bricks on her head and also tried to burn her body.
2nd Additional Sessions Judge Srinagar Renu Dogra after hearing both the sides ordered that life imprisonment to convict Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh, son of Abdul Rashid Sheikh, resident of Akhrajpora Rajbagh Srinagar for commission of the offence under section 302 of RPC. “Convict is sentenced to rigorous imprisonment of 7 years for offence punishable under Section 363 of RPC and is also sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for 10 years for offence punishable under Sections 376 of RPC. The sentences shall run concurrently,” the Court ordered.

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