The Bold Voice of J&K


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Pakistan could not gain much success in pushing in the indoctrinated terrorists trained in the 42 ISI terror training camps who suffered repeated casualties in their efforts to sneak in India. The terror handlers of Pakistan who were habitual of firing on Indian Border Out posts (BOPs) to engage them, divert their attention to facilitate the infiltrating mercenaries and insurgents trained by her have now started targeting border hamlets, poor nomads, farmers, the old, women and children and cattle alike. It is direct form of terrorism manifestation after the previous efforts were foiled by vigilant Indian security forces. Even the efforts of OGWs to contain the armed forces by stripping them of their powers to operate in such treacherous conditions failed.     At the world forums, Pakistani agents like Fai were engaged to bribe and buy voices for a concocted cause for Kashmir part of the Indian J and K state. Locally the ISI’s paid agents in Kashmir tried to create dis-satisfaction against the democratic set up. They are employed to create a phobia against democratic governance and the parliamentary forces and spit venom both within the country and at international platforms.
Besides smoke screening its internal failings, political turmoil and external loss of face, the ill-advised Pakistan government is trying to draw world attention and international focus on the concocted ‘K’ issue. The UN has already termed its 1947 resolution obsolete; which once called for Pakistan to vacate PoJK areas in her illegal occupation and restore position as on 15 Aug 1947 before the region could be put to a plebiscite then.
The trigger happy governance in Pakistan that runs the roost there is failing to realise that their unprovoked atrocities are counterproductive. These are firming and strengthening the Indian resolve to “teach them a lesson-once for all.” Notwithstanding the tutored orations of the ISI agents from a small segment of Kashmir, the whole of J and K state and the country can go to any extent to defend the dignity, honour of the country, its integrity and safety of its citizen.
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made it amply clear that “India will continue to respond to Pakistan’s ceasefire violations and there will be no flag meetings.”

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