The Bold Voice of J&K

Charak calls upon party workers to reach people in distress

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BISHNAH: Gulchain Singh Charak, candidate Indian National Congress for Bishnah Constituency called upon the party workers to extensively organise corner meetings to reach out to the maximum number of people in the rural as well as urban areas to record their problems and suggest remedial measures so that policies and programmes are formulated accordingly to ensure a better, prosperous, healthy and developed Bishnah Constituency.
While addressing public meeting organised at Bishnah town, in which a large number of people besides prominent personalities of the town and local Congress leaders/workers of Ward No: 1. 2, 3 and 4 participated, Charak advised the workers to chalk out their day to day activities in such a way that maximum people are covered and policies and programmes of the party are suitably designed for the welfare and development of this badly neglected border constituency.
The people on this occasion stressed upon their long standing demands like proper accommodation for the local Degree College, un-interrupted electric and water supply, provision of a play ground and a mini-stadium, construction of a park in the town, maintenance of the main canal and providing walk ways on the banks of the canal, better health care facilities, adequate parking facilities in the town and streamlining the functioning of municipality etc.
Charak further said that efforts will be made to address problems of the villagers immediately, if elected to the JK Assembly. He underlined his commitment to focus on the overall development and progress of the people of Bishnah Constituency. At the same time large number of people of Bishnah town, present on the occasion, showed full faith and confidence in the leadership of Charak and extended their full cooperation and support for his success.
Earlier, local Congress leaders speaking during the said meeting highlighted local issues and appealed to the people to come out openly in support of Charak. They told the gathering that the development of the Bishnah Constituency is on top of the agenda of their party and the same will be implemented immediately on election of the Congress Candidate to the JK Assembly.

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