The Bold Voice of J&K

Charak asks workers to reach at grass root level

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BISHNAH: Congress candidate for Bishnah Gulchain Singh Charak toured Bishnah Block to make the general public aware regarding significance of their vote and recapitulating them the progress and developmental works carried out by the Congress Party in the recent past for the welfare and prosperity of the people.
Besides, holding Nukad meetings in Ward Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Bishnah town, various public meetings were organised at village Bandrala and Dabbar which were attended by a large number of villagers besides Congress workers.
During these meetings, the villagers highlighted problems they faced like un-safe drinking water, irregular supply of drinking water and electricity, un-schedule curtailments of electricity, non-availability of proper accommodation and adequate teaching faculty in the local degree college, poor sanitation system, non availability of vehicle parking facilities in the town, deteriorating condition of the main canal in the heart of the town and un-hygienic environment all around.
Addressing the above meetings, Charak enjoined upon the Congress workers to reach out to the common people at grass root level and work out the strategy to mitigate their sufferings. They were also asked to mobilise people to strengthen the Congress caders.
People of the area reposing confidence and full faith in the leadership of Charak extended their whole-heartedly support for his success of Gulchain Singh Charak in the forthcoming Assembly elections.

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