The Bold Voice of J&K

Changing norms

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With Human Resources Development ministry giving  nod in norms of national council for teachers’ education now B.Ed will be of two years course. Gujarat model of an integrated four year course leading to B.A and B.Ed degrees will be started immediately after Class XII. In order to ensure that teachers’ education does not become an isolated stream people having done B.Com and B.Tech can also do the two year B. Ed course with intense curriculum. These recommendations by Justice J.S Verma Committee appointed by Supreme Court, comes after long deliberations with stake holders at various levels for complete overhaul of norms and standards for teachers. The recommendations will have impact on the unqualified secondary school teachers. Now they will have to do a three year part time B.Ed course in class room mode during summer vacations. An important move is that almost 20 weeks  of practical works has been weaved in the course. Out of this teacher will have to teach for at least 16 weeks. One fourth of their assessment marks will depend on these practicals. For the first time Masters in Education (M.Ed) has also been revamped and specialisation has been introduced. Thus these reforms at teachers’ education level surely would bring in the much needed change as the education sector has not picked up the pace at grass-root levels in government  institutions. With government apathy and lethargy looming large educational sector in the eyes of government always remained at low key priority. This is for the time such reforms have been recommended for teachers to enhance  their standard  and deliverance of quality in the education sector.  Coming times surely would bring  positive  outcome in the educational sector  as far as teachers’ education was concerned  which had remained neglected for quiet some time.

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