The Bold Voice of J&K
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Ignore political gossip, talk development

Vinayshil Gautam  There is something strange about the public discourse in India, where much time is spent on political discussions and little time given to alternative models of development. When this writer raised this issue with a group…

Rewarding nation’s defenders

KG Suresh The nation that forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten", said Calvin Coolidge, Former President of the United States. The issue of one-rank-one-pension scheme for retired Armed Forces personnel has once again hogged the…

Miracles of motivation

Urmil Mehta Motivation has immense effect on learning. Motivation implies the arousal and maintenance of interest in learning and interest is a basic factor in learning. Real learning can't take place without motivation. Motivation is…

GST hurdle

Though most of the states have welcomed GST because it is beneficial for both states and Centre, the biggest concern is about  the compensation. States are worried about the revenue  loss. The Union Govt stand is that compensation will be…

Mother, dear to dearest creature

Sunaina Malik  It would not be erroneous to label a mother as   ozone layer, who inhibits all the ultra violet radiations of peril, dread, sting, distress, disquiet, melancholy and un comfort from reaching to her children. She is a…

Delayed OROP

With ex-servicemen planning to Gehrao Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the later assuring to look into the issue of One Rank One Pension (OROP) it seems to remain on conciliation stage for some more time even if government works on some…

Will it work?

Shailendra Kumar In the past few years, the issues of black money and illicit financial flows pouring into tax havens have occupied perhaps as much global political space as the issue of world economic crisis itself. As regards India, ever…
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