The Bold Voice of J&K
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Notorious ISI

The spate of killings Sopore witnessed last week  of former militants one cannot  rule  out these incidents as just killings but  there appears a set pattern to the incidents. All these killings were blamed as the handiwork of Indian…

Old gun

When BJP senior leader L.K Advani spoke about the days of Emergency in 1975 returning to the country, he gave sufficient hints to connect the dots, and the opposition gladly did the job for him. The obvious hint lay to Narendra Modi when he…

Must breathing have a religion or a prayer?

 Padma Rao Sundarji   First, outdoor sports as a kid, then inline skating with my son. I have exercised all my life. When the weather didn't permit it and as I grew older, I began to frequent gyms. Or, simply put on an exercise video in my…

International Yoga Day

Ravinder Jalali Yoga today is a subject of world wide interest. This is a remarkable phenomenon in the long history of Yoga. Only a few years ago, it used to have a very limited appeal, although it is an ancient system of keeping our body,…

Yoga for healthy world

Dr. Neelam Khajuria United Nations declared 21st June as International Yoga Day. This came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged the world community to celebrate yoga at the international level. He emphasised, "yoga as invaluable…

Take it to world court

Ram Jethmalani The 21st century will be determined by three factors. First, the economic and social development of India and China. Both countries are yet to unleash their true potential, and both are presently engaged in their respective…

Kashmir, a rejuvenating beauty

Sunaina Malik  Kashmir is a place, which has been in world wide debate from time immemorial. This dialogue was some time, due to mesmerising effect of topography of Kashmir, some time due to dictatorship of Maharajas, some time due to…

Relook needed

Aiming for a permanent seat in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) both India and Pakistan are trying to play good guys to world forum. It looks too premature to make any assumptions over the normalising relations between the two…


When  Patanjli, the propounder of modern Yoga, founded this well being exercise he may not have thought  in his wildest dream even this indigenous form of good living needed a United Nation endorsement to popularise this art of living after…
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