The Bold Voice of J&K
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Saving Taj -our national heritage

 G. L Khajuria Out of seven wonders of the world, Taj Mahal of Agra occupies fourth position, a rich national heritage to preserved it for the generations to some by. This mausoleum was constructed by Shah Jahan who reigned (1627- 1658 AD…

Mata Mahamaya village-Urlian

  Mahadeep Singh Jamwal The village Urlian eighth ward of Panchayat Halqa Battal, Distt and Teh. Udhampur is located on the mountain range of outer Himalayas known as Shivalik Hills also known as'Manak Parvat' in the ancient times.…

Poverty a boon for Indian politicians?

Shiv Kumar Padha  You may or may not believe that, unlike other developed nations of the world, poverty is considered as fertile land for the Indian politics to grow and flourish and the poor an asset, vote bank and fertiliser for its…

Pak stand

The comments of Sartaj Aziz, who is Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Advisor on Foreign Affairs, makes it more clear about the continuing sourness in the relations between India and Pakistan. He recently commented that Pakistan sees no hope of…

Saarc survival

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) risks becoming defunct or irrelevant if member countries do not address the "core" issue of cross-border terrorism. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was the first…

Rainfed agriculture in J and K: an overview

      Dr. Parveen Kumar, Dr. Anil Kumar Agriculture in India is practiced under a wide variety of agro-climatic zones and rainfall pattern. In India out of total net cultivated area of 142 million hectares about 81.8 million hectares (57.6…

Is Pakistan moving toward army rule?

  DWARIKA PRASAD SHARMA Shooting the messenger is almost a pastime in Pakistan. The Deep State of that country, as its all-powerful army-ISI combine is known, virtually has a licence to kill without any accountability. Several reporters,…

Sacred Shrine of Mata Bala Sundri

G.L Khajuria In the climatic terminology, Jammu being a sub-tropical region having mostly Kandi Belt with arid zone ranging from Lakhanpur to the last reach of Indo-Pak boarding Poonch and scrubby forest of acacias, Shisham, Semal and…

Water is no issue

Refuting reports of China joining water wars between India and Pakistan by blocking a tributary of Brahmaputra River, Chinese officials said that Beijing is ready for a joint multilateral cooperation mechanism with India and Bangladesh to…
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