The Bold Voice of J&K

BJP befooled people with false promises: Tara Chand

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JAMMU: Former Deputy Chief Minister and senior Congress leader, Tara Chand on Saturday lashed out at the BJP for yet again making false promises to people in its so-called vision document for DDC polls.
Addressing public gatherings in Pallanwala, Chak Malal, Naryana and Taroti in favour of party candidate Suram Singh, Tara Chand said that so far BJP has only befooled people with false promises.
Being the ruling party at the Centre and having secured heavy mandate in the elections from Jammu region, he blamed BJP for its total failure to address the genuine problems and concerns of the people.
He said the Government at the Centre and UT administration took several decisions against the wishes and aspirations and interests of the general people, taking advantage of the situation on account of COVID crisis, forcing the people to protest and come on roads, despite all odds.
Accusing the BJP of disregarding the aspirations of the people of J&K and ignoring the burning issues of masses in J&K, the former Deputy Chief Minister said that BJP had given wide publicity to public issues during 2019 elections with high hopes generated amongst various sections of society which eventually ended in smoke.
He demanded that the government should immediately announce the suspension of the three “anti-agriculture” laws.
He claimed that the laws would pave way for the dismantling of the minimum support price system, leaving the farmers at the “mercy” of big corporates.
Tara Chand sought a white paper from the BJP on the development undertaken and jobs provided to the educated unemployed youth of Jammu region during the past over five years.
“The people of Jammu are within their rights to have a report card from the BJP, which they cradled in power with massive 25 seats in the Legislative Assembly in 2014 on the promise of jobs, development and fulfillment of all the aspirations,” he added.
“Despite protests by locals, the administration has failed to improve the Jourian-Khour-Pallanwala road which is languishing since years and the locals are facing many hardships,” he said.
“The promises made were never kept and, in fact, the normal course of development was also put in the rear gear, as the self-centered agenda remained the top priority,” he said.
“The insult to the injury is that the BJP is again hoodwinking the people by emotive slogans, forgetting its role on the administrative and developmental front. This is brazen and speaks of the hypocrisy that is core of the BJP,” he said.
He reminded the BJP of flaunting about 50,000 to 70,000 jobs on fast-track basis in a time-bound manner and asked as to how many of these stood filled up.
Tara Chand urged the people to vote for Congress candidates in the DDC polls and ensure that the developmental activities that have been stalled since last six years come back on the track.
He was accompanied by Suram Singh, Jagdish Raj Sharma, Prabhu Singh, Jagatter Singh, Romesh Verma, Harnaam Dass and Bharat Priya.

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