The Bold Voice of J&K

Army rescues accident victims, provides media aid

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RAMBAN: A major tragedy was averted by quick response of Army at Nachlana by carrying out rescue of two accidental vehicles and administering medical-aid to four injured persons.
As per details, during wee hours of 7th Dec 2020, two trucks moving from Srinagar to Jammu collided, leading to skidding of one into Bichleri river near Nachlana, District Ramban (J&K).
Soon after receiving information, Army teams from Nachlana including a medical officer immediately swung into action. Army personnel had to rappel for 80 mtrs to reach ill-fated truck for evacuating injured. Undeterred by cold weather, spate of Bichleri river and darkness of night, soldiers of army camp Nachlana successfully evacuated four severely injured persons to safety, after a grueling three hours effort. All the injured were shifted to Medical facility of Nachlana Army Camp and thereafter referred to SDH Banihal.

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