The Bold Voice of J&K

They always bring in religion to hide their evil-deeds

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Evildoers, anti-nationals and miscreants of a particular community have developed chronic habit of blackmailing Indian nation by bringing in religion whenever caught in carrying out their nefarious activities, generally aimed at bruising psyche of the nation. By doing so, they are not only misrepresenting their own religion but causing a colossal damage to the fair reputation of majority of their own community. Unfortunate this silent majority generally chooses to be fence sitters rather than opening up against black sheep in their community. This silence has, in turn, made the entire community as an eyesore, not only in India but in the entire world.
The ongoing raids by National Investigation Agency in Srinagar, Jammu, Sonipat and Delhi against money launderers and recipients of Pak terror funds have again brought to the fore the time-tested ‘religion card’. The separatists in Kashmir have started crying from their roof-tops that India was targeting a particular community. But for a change this time around, so far, and to the utter shock of the fund-recipients, however, Kashmir is maintaining eerie silence. The people in general are trying to see reason in the NIA raids because they have watched during the past twenty seven years with desperation neo-riches donning the Valley horizon. Many in Kashmir do believe that the present day elite of the Valley are actually bunch of exploiters who thrive on the blood of poor young people like parasites and leeches. Terrorism, which they call Jihad, is an enterprise for them to fetch as much from Pakistan as they can by presenting the list of those killed in the name of Jihad. This is why the Valley has not reacted to the NIA raids during the past two days. But given the expertise of exploiting separatists nobody can stand guarantee for peace falling yet again victim to ‘religion card’. The hardcore hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani has called an emergency meeting of his fellow Pakistani lackeys on Monday to respond to the raids and chalk out a strategy to meet the situation, arisen in the wake of shocking and electrifying raids by the NIA sleuths. The refusal of the Valley to come to their rescue thus far has been a crude shocker for them. Therefore, the cunning lot will come out with such an explosive game-plan that can again put the Valley into flames. This should worry all those who wish Kashmir to prosper and progress in peaceful atmosphere.
By giving religious spin to the ongoing raids, the separatists are actually playing their trump card of whipping up passions. But will they succeed in this sinister game-plan on the face of raids also carried out at the business establishments and residential premises of some non-Muslim accomplices and facilitators in Jammu and Delhi? This will be interesting to watch. This will be crucial as well, since the tendency of hammering India on the religious card has cost the nation dearly during the past nearly seven decades. This is not a phenomenon confined to the precincts of the Valley alone but it has national contours.
The criminals and wrong-doers of a particular community across the country have always escaped the noose due to ‘religion card’. This trend has been the manifestation of ‘vote-bank’ and appeasement policy of the pseudo secularists.
Who doesn’t know about crude form of playing ‘religious card’ when former India skipper Azhar-ud-Din’s international career nosedived after he was reported involved in match-fixing and was banned by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). The spin masters of attaching religious angle to the match-fixing forgot that the name of Ajay Jadeja too had surfaced in the controversy. Similarly, when any person of a particular community gets killed in gang-rivalry, personal animosity or carrying out terror acts; the ‘religion card’ becomes the anthem. Ishrat Jehan’s case is a point in question.
Reverting back to NIA raids in Kashmir, every effort is being made to project these in communal colour. Since the funds brought through hawala channels and cross border trade are being used for fomenting terror and strengthening unrest in the larger cause of Azadi, the people in all probability will be once again taken for a ride. Contributors in this effort are leaders of the so-called mainstream parties like National Conference, People’s Democratic Party, Congress and Communists in the Valley, most of whom are in direct contact with the business tycoons-the prime suspects in raising and laundering funds. In a way, many so-called mainstream leaders are collaborators in this murkier game of money laundering. None of the leaders of these parties have taken a stand on the current NIA raids. They are either silent or attributing motives. Therefore, the post NIA raids will see a unique bonhomie between Kashmiri separatists and mainstream leaders in the coming days unless the premier investigation agency takes the ongoing process to logical conclusion. By doing so, many skeletons of the so-called Kashmiri elite-businessmen, politicians, journalists, intellectuals and activists-are destined to fall out of the closet.

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