Aloe-Vera-A Wonder Medicinal Plant

Dr. Rama Kant Sharma
Name of the plant Aloe is derived from arabic word Alloeh meaning shining bitter substance and Vera from Latin meaning true. It is called Kunwar Gandal (Dogri), Barbolin and Barbados Aloe (English), Ghee Kunwar (Hindi), Kumari (Sanskrit meaning young virgin girl) and Gwarpatha. The herb is so named because it imparts youthful energy and boasts faminity.
Botanical name-Aloe barbadensis Miller.
Climate-It can be grown both under irrigated as well as un-irrigated conditions. It can also be grown in hot and dry climate.
Soil-The crop can be grown under a variety of soils in sub-tropical, low rainfall regions; well drained, light sandy, medium fertile soils are preferred. Kandi soils where soil depth is less are also suitable for its cultivation.
Plant type-It is a cactus like perennial herb with stolon, 2-3 feet tall; The leaves contain ghee like pulp (semi solid).
Parts used-Whole plant, dried juice (gel) and pulp of leaves.
Medicinal value-It is used in the cure of skin diseases, wounds, tooth-ache, acidity; helps in cough” skin generation, piles, constipation, jaundice, gout and nappy rashes in growing babies. It is useful in eye and ear infections. It is used against the sting of bees and insects as well as against prickly heat irritations. It is also used as a tonic, as an appetizer, against burns and in cosmetics. It keeps the hairs soft, dandruff free and prevents hair loss. Aloe vera gel is rubbed against the scalp before or after the hair cleaning: It is used with hair oil for dry hairs. It gives protection against UV rays. Fresh Aloe vera gel is used along with cream or oil for dry skin.
Seed rate-14-16 thousand root sprouts are required per hectare. Young sprouts are commonly called as pups.
Time of sowing/Planting-July- August (Rainy season)
Variety-Aloe Vera, Aloe-Faroax, Aloe-bakhadasis.
Spacing-l x1 Meter2
Method of sowing-The sprouts are planted along with roots during July to September. The crop is sown in lx1 meter2 spacing to facilitate easy inter-culture and good growth of outer leaves of the plants.
Inter-culture/weed control-One weeding/hoeing is given to crop two months after planting. The crop has to be necessarily mulched at all the times of the year.
Fertilizer-10-15 M.T. FYM or 5 M.T. Vermi compost per ha.
N – 300 Kg, P2 O5-150 Kg, K2O – 300 Kg
Irrigation & Water requirement-4-6 irrigations are required during the year. 600 mm of precipitation is sufficient.
Critical stages of irrigation-Transplanting stage for uniform establishment of suckers, root development and vegetative stage. Irrigation should be given after every harvest to facilitate new leaf growth.
Inter cropping-It can be grown as an inter-crop with Jatropha curcas ; a bio diesel plant.
Insect pest/disease-Major insect is mealy bug and major diseases are leaf spot, leaf rot and anthracnose. For controlling mealy bug, spraying of neem oil (10 ml/ltr of water) at 20 days interval during the early stages will help in controlling the pests. For the control of diseases, integrated disease management practices like sanitation, removal of infested leaves, irrigation at optimum time etc. should be adopted.
Duration of crop-3-4 cutting of outer leaves are obtained after one year of sowing. The plants give income around the year and its economic life is 3-4 years.
Harvesting /storage-The outer leaves of the plants are due for cutting after one year of plant growth. Approximately 3-4 cuttings can be taken from the plant during the year. There is a 3-4 month gap between each cutting. The leaves so collected are stored and processed. Isolation of gel from leaves should be done within four hours of harvesting, otherwise the effectiveness of gel deteriorates.
Marketing -The Aloe Vera leaf cuttings are marketed as green leaves or after drying. The pulp of the leaves (semi solid) is known as Kumar-sar.
Average production-40-50 ton green leaves from 3-4 cuttings of outer leaves during the year.
Medicinal Properties And Uses Of Aloe-Vera
The tissue inside the leaf contains Aloe juice, believed to have been used to preserve the body of Jesus. It contains Anthraquinones such as Aloin A and B which are responsible for the plants laxative as well as healing properties. The universally available herb has many other benefits. Kumari is one of the most valuable herbs which gradually rejuvenates the entire system and can be given with great benefit to selected one at any age and during any season. Taken in youth it delays the ageing process, Although, it is one of the most popularly used drug (either as single drug or as ingredient).
The Egyptians called Aloe “The plant of immortality” because it can live and even bloom without soil. It is also called as wonder plant due to variety of elements found in aloe vera. The synergising effects of all these elements make the plant a ‘silent healer’ or ‘fountain of youth’. It is also known as Lily of the desert.
Kunwar Ghandal can be grown anywhere and is often grown as house plant. Popular as ornament plant, its wonderful medicinal values are hardly known today and represents vanishing heritage. Its fame as a treatment for burns and scalds goes back to Alexander the great who used an island of Somalia for the sole purpose of obtaining the “amazing wound healing plant”. A succulent tropical plant that has been used for centuries to heal both externally and internally, Aloes are resistant to drought, taking in water very easily and losing moisture very slowly.
Properties wise, it is soothing, cooling antiseptic and antifungal. The gel stimulates the immune system and has antibiotic, anti inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
It is an astringent and an excellent blood cleanser. It is a general liver tonic and its regular use tones the system. The juice or gel extracted from the Kumari leaves is used as a mild purgative for persons of sedentary habits and phlegmatic constitutions. Many drugs sold in the market for the treatment of constipation contain Kumari. Though bitter to taste, it is soothing to the inner membranes. It regulates sugar and fat metabolism and is useful in the treatment of obesity and jaundice. Kumari also reduces laxity of the large intestine and helps to tone the abdominal walls. It is successfully used for the treatment of chronic skin ulcers.
Kumari is stimulant to the uterus and vagina and has long been used as a household remedy to promote menstruation and relieve muscle spasms. The leaf pulp has a highly effective local action and is very beneficial when applied externally on piles. It is one of the best facial treatment. To obtain the gel just break open a leaf. It moisturizes, heals and regenerates the skin and is an effective treatment for Acne and rough skin. That explains why it is extensively used in the western countries in cosmetics such as face creams, hair products, lotions, sun protection creams and even in toothpaste.
Drink Aloe (Kumari) juice for internal conditions and apply the gel externally. Cut several inches of an older leaf, slice it length wise and apply the gel to the wound, burn, ulcer or scald. Allow it to dry. You can leave gel in situation for several hours.
To tone the inner muscle and to cure inflammation of vagina and other local infections, prepare a douche of two tablespoons of the gel in cup of warm water and add two pinches of Haldi to the solution. This douche should be used every other day for four days. Aloe vera is good for all Doshas. It will bring balance equally to Kapha and Pitta.
Aloe vera Medicinal Oil
You can make your own Aloe vera medicated oil by slicing up the leaves of Kumari plant and placing them in a glass jar. Cover the leaves with vegetable oil. Any vegetable oil can be used as the base. Allow the mixture to soak for 60 days, then strain. Keep the oil in a dark glass container, label the container, as the scent is subtle and will not be easy to identify. The oil will keep indefinitely.
Although Kumari happens to be vital and essential ingredient of many Ayurvedic formulations, but an excellent traditional compound preparation using Kumari is Kumariyasava. It is one of the highly praised formulation in treating liver and spleen disorders.
Elements in stabilized Aloe Vera Gel-Lignin, Saponins, Anthraquinones, Mono and Polysaccharides
Inorganic Ingredients/Minerals-Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Sodium, Chlorine, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Chromium, Zinc.
1.Vit A: Carotene
2.Vit B: tissue growth, produce energy and blood
3.Vit C&E : combats infection, help healing and helps maintain in a healthy skin.
4.Vitamin M : helps formation of blood.
5.Niancimanide : regulator of metabolism
6.Choline : helps metabolism
ENZYMES : Phosphatase Amylase, Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease etc.
Aloe vera can cause skin irritation in some people. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. The gel is safe but preparation of the whole leaf is strongly laxative and should not be used for young children, pregnant or breast feeding women. It can trigger attacks of colitis. Its use is also restricted for people having bowel problems and bronchitis.
(The author is Ex. Deputy Director Agriculture).