The Bold Voice of J&K

ABVP paid tributes to Shaheed Bhagat Singh

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UDHAMPUR :Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Udhampur unit celebrated 107th birth anniversary of icon of youth Shaheed – e -Aazam Bhagat Singh.
On this occasion city unit of ABVP organised the “Shardanjali Samaroh” at Shaheed Baghat Singh Park, Gole Market.
During this programme boys and girls shared their views about Shaheed Baghat Singh among the gathering. They gave a milk bath on the statue of Baghat Singh and paid tribute to Shaheed – e – Aazam.
Raghav Krishen Kesar, State Secretary was the Chief Guest on this occasion and Maneshwar Kumar as Chief Spokesperson.
Arjun Khajuria, City secretary, ABVP Udhampur said Shaheed Baghat Singh is role model for youth. He also said that Shaheed Bhagat Singh had overwhelming spirit of patrotism from the childhood.
Chief Guest Raghav Krishen Kesar highlighted the history of ABVP. He also demanded that BJP Government should announce Bhagat Singh with the honour of ‘Shaheed’ which no government has done so far.
Others who spoke on the occasion include Maneshwar Kumar, Maan Singh, Greema Sharma, Bharti Dogra, Pinky Dogra, Raghunandika sharma, Gopal Sumbria, Aditya Sharma, Rajat Sharma, Divam Gupta, Raghav Gupta, Sivangi Gupta,Anil, Sudanshu Raina and Arun.

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