The Bold Voice of J&K

Abrogation of Art 370: Curse or blessing for Jammu?

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Opinions are continuously pouring in over abrogation of Article 370, which has changed the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. Many are of the view that this has added miseries to the life of common man in Jammu. Post Article 370 scenario in Jammu seems to be worst since not even a single initiative was taken so far by the BJP government.

Mahadeep Singh Jamwal, Ex-SSP J&K: Before giving any opinion on the topic, here we have to keep in mind also that in October 2015, the High Court of J&K ruled that the Article 370 cannot be “abrogated, repealed or even amended” and in April 2018, Supreme Court of India gave a similar opinion declaring that Article 370 has acquired a permanent status. Having little regards for the Apex Court judgments, the decision of its abrogation is still pending with Apex Court for its justification. Come what may, to comment upon whether Abrogation of article 370 is a blessing or curse for Jammu is somehow difficult to express because it involves many parameters for consideration such as: status, discrimination, employment, development, new set of rules, and ease of doing business, militancy and bundle of other facilities. Its abrogation though taken as achievement by BJP and blessing to woo the voters, but in the days to come it will not prove as blessing for it in downgraded status of state.
It has added miseries to the life of common man, and the space in employment for its educated youngsters has shrink. If we have to come up with honest opinion the views are conflicted with one supporting the decision and the other condemning it. But because of the fear psychosis created by particular political party always looking for occasions to brand those not in line with their ideology, as anti-national, keep their opinion reserved in open forum on the abrogation of article 370 but in free atmosphere their opinion tilts towards it as curse. Blessings we can count as the feeling of one nation through single citizenship, One Nation One Flag, one constitution, but these things in no way provide two times meal but recipe for political parties. As a freelance writer I am of the opinion that it is mixed blend with more taste of curse than blessing.

Tarun Uppal, Social Activist: Doing experiments on Jammu and Kashmir could proved otherwise for Central Government after the abrogation of Article 370 and downgrading and splitting of erstwhile State into two Union Territories.
Promises made before the abrogation of special status of J&K by the Central Government proved to be fake and misleading as none of promises were actually delivered on the ground.
People have whole heartedly welcomed the removal of Article 370 but now it seems that the Government has been misleading them and it would lead to an outrage among the people of Jammu who have been victim of Kashmiri centric politics for over 70 years before.
Central government must restore the statehood to J&K at the earliest so that democratic activities would resume and Jammu shall get its equal share at all fronts including employment, development, education, budget among others aspects.
Despite the end to Kashmiri centric leadership in the erstwhile state of J&K, Jammu is still reeling under the clouds of underdevelopment, unemployment and non issuance of economic fair share.

Uday Chib, Pradesh Youth Congress President: Even after more than one year has passed since the abrogation of Article 370, BJP led government has failed to curb the militancy and end the corruption and bring in the investments in J&K.
BJP said that the end to special status will also end militancy and corruption in J&K besides would attract industries and multinational companies towards J&K; but the post Article 370 scenario seems to be worst since not even a single initiative was taken so far by the BJP government.
BJP government has diminished to back on its promises of saving the lands and jobs of locals of J&K and every single person included educated unemployed youth of J&K are highly disappointed over the flip flops of the BJP. Their hollow promises are in the public domain now and people have realised that they are being cheated and deprived by the BJP.
Government of India must come up with foolproof domicile law for protection of land rights for Permanent Residents (PRs) of Jammu and Kashmir besides protecting the Job for educated unemployed youth of the UT. Land and job must be protected for residents of J&K and Central Government must restore the statehood to J&K so that democratic activities would be initiated across all the districts from grass root level.

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