The Bold Voice of J&K

Abrogation of Art 370: Curse or blessing for Jammu?

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Abrogation of Article 370 had generated a hope among the people of Jammu about massive industrialisation in the region, leading to opening up of job avenues for educated unemployed youth. However, lack of any initiative in this regard during past 15 months, has bellied all their hopes.

Sushil Singh Charak, Chairman Nations Dev Association: The people of erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir State wholeheartedly welcomed the decision of the Central Government to abrogate Article 370.
The historic decision had shown a ray of hope to the unemployed youth of the Union Territory who were not able to get much job opportunities due to the barrier of Article 370.
Now, the biggest hurdle has been removed by the Central Government and people of the UT are hopeful that the private sector from the rest of the country would come to J&K to invest, which will further create jobs and employment avenues for unemployed youth.
But it is very unfortunate that the ground situation is still the same with no development being witnessed on the ground. The private sector and big business houses are yet to invest in J&K.
There is no doubt that the people of J&K have lost their special status and no development has taken place or jobs have been created yet. On the contrary, new land laws have been introduced in J&K, much against the wishes of people.
People in Jammu are still facing discrimination in different fields. They are being ignored by the present bureaucratic government in UT. Daily wagers are on roads, seeking their regularisation and release of pending wages. But there have been only fake promises and false hopes, nothing else. It is another failure.

Deepshika Sharma, Homemaker: On August 5, 2019, a historic decision was taken by the Central Government which abrogated provisions of Article 370; thereby taking away the special status of J&K State.
In addition to this, the State of J&K was bifurcated into two Union Territories, ruled by the Center. This decision has been welcomed by all stakeholders, especially by those communities, who were exploited in the erstwhile State.
The abrogation of Article 370 has paved the way for removing the impediments in development, barriers in education, and most of all, integration of J&K with the nation.
The decision sowed a seed of hope among Jammuites about end of discrimination with the dawn of a new era of equality and development. But it is unfortunate that nothing like that has happened and Jammuites are still facing discrimination in the hands of Kashmir-centric leadership.
Nothing on the ground level has changed except rise in fake promises by so called leaders.

Deepak Sharma, Lecturer: After abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, people did not feel any changes on ground for the past over 15 months as claimed by many political parties.
Even after the abrogation of Article 370, the sufferings of the general public are still the same. Daily wagers from different departments are on roads for the past many months to highlight their demands but nobody from the UT administration is listening to them.
Jammu region is still discriminated in terms of jobs and recruitment. Youth is frustrated as there are no jobs or any other employment opportunities. Economy is in shambles while traders, businessmen and shopkeepe0rs are all suffering and there is no one to listen to their grievances.
Almost every day there is a protest or agitation on roads by employees/youths against the wrongs being done to them. All the hopes of development after abrogation of 370 have been shattered.

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