The Bold Voice of J&K

Why Pakistan’s Black Day for Burhan, not for 132 Peshawar school children?

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12496177_121216974930616_3832179818040791604_oRAJ DALUJA
JAMMU: How long shall Pakistan exploit Kashmir and Kashmiris? And, how long shall Kashmiris allow themselves to get exploited by a fraud and failed nation, which has been ‘manufacturing’ terror and selling it as Jihad in the Valley? By declaring 19th July as Black Day to show solidarity with terrorist Burhan Wani, Pakistan has openly aligned itself with terrorism, leaving the turf for its paid lackeys in Srinagar, who too have rescheduled their calendar of protest and shut-down till the afternoon of 21st July. The people have no recourse but to obey. The poor lads have no choice but to take to streets with stones for petty bucks and get exposed to death and destruction. Sanity seems to have taken a leave in the Valley, especially as the voice of majority stands throttled by roars of terrorists’ guns and threats.
By obeying every terror diktat religiously, the politically sagacious people of the Valley are subconsciously playing into the hands of Pakistan, just for the single reason of hating India. Otherwise a question could be posed to Islamabad why the killing of a terrorist merits observance of Black Day by Pakistan and not the killing of 141 people including 132 school children in a dreaded terrorist attack on the Army Public School in the northwestern city of Peshawar. Were they children of lesser gods? Didn’t conscience of Pakistan move to see little children spilling blood under the desks of their class-rooms? They fell like ducks and the terror state watched with sadistic pleasure. Terror had taken the very vitals of its own mentor.
On the one side, Pakistan, as a nation, had failed to respond to the situation and on the other hand it did launch a military campaign against terrorists responsible for the dastardly act. They were the same lunatics, which Pakistan has been using against India by sending them as Mujahids to Kashmir, not only to kill but also to train and indoctrinate terror monsters like Burhan, who was charged with the responsibility of glamourising terror to woo young people of the Valley.
Pakistan has been pursuing double standards from its birth as a theocratic nation. Not reconciled with the idea of India and Kashmir being integral to Indian domain, it has all along waged wars and proxy wars to unsuccessfully secede the border State. Fortunately for Islamabad and unfortunately for Kashmir, the people like Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar, Yasin Malik and herds of India haters, even in the so-called mainstream leadership, offered to be ready pawns for want of some bucks, notwithstanding the fact the misadventure unleashed from across the border has bled their own brethren profusely.
Now that Burhan, who openly challenged Indian nation and claimed responsibility for killing of policemen in the Valley and became a hero for Pakistan, will it see eye to eye to the civilized world which is firm in its war against terrorism? Have the rogue neighbour and its agents in Kashmir any moral authority to speak against those (North Wazirstan militants) in Pakistan fighting for the oppressed people?
When India fights terrorists, Pakistan raises human rights bogey. When young children are pushed before armoured cars in Kashmir with stones in their hands to chase away the security forces, they are termed innocents. When obstructers are tackled while carrying out military operations against terrorists, eyebrows get raised even in the Valley’s mainstream camp. What the security personnel are supposed to do with terrorists brandishing guns and lobbing grenades? They are not to be offered bouquets. That is what some friends in Kashmir and many lunatics in Pakistan want India to do.
Those describing Burhan as brave heart, glamourising his terror-regime and romanticizing him as a youth icon should not forget that he belonged to the tribe which is bleeding its mentor Pakistan every other day. They should not forget Zarb-e-Azab launched by Islamic Republic of Pakistan against its own Mujahids in 2014 which saw Rangers and Paki Air Force losing out hell in areas like North Wazirstan. More than 2,100 Mujahids were killed in shortest period by Pakistani army after the attack on Jinnah International Airport in Karachi. When killing of such a huge number of militants is justified by Pakistan and Kashmiri secessionists, why so much of hue and cry over killing of Burhan? The so-called darling of Islamabad has already caused devastation, destruction and death of over 40 young people in the Valley. But, still sanity seems to be eluding the Valley.

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